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The Art of Not Caring 7 Ways To Live A Happy Life - Stoicism - Stoic

Published on 31 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation

Although not Caring or Not giving a fuck sounds negative, it all depands on how you look at it or experience it. There is plenty of nonsense in life today in this clown world where something that means NOTHING is raise to a pointless status as important. to the individual at ANY TIME 99% of what goes onb around you doesn't apply or impact you (unless you let it) that is. Priorritising your life properly put's YOU at the front, YOU in control of YOUR life and action's so remember that, if you are no good to YOURSELF you are no good to anyone. This is what they are trying to Rob humanity of today because if they cant control you they have NO hold over you. Unfortunately all the pointless distraction the cause is built to deceive you from YOUR goals in YOUR life, so what's the answer to bettering yourself in a NON narcissistic way? Puyt numberr one first ignore or don't comply with all the CRAP out their, Be your OWN MAN. Stop caring for what isn't yours to give a damn about in the first place. Life WILL get better by doing this I promise you. Peace

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