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The Australian PM On selling out the country to WHO state control

Published on 17 May 2022 / In Film & Animation


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Look at the retarded pieces of shit this lying idiot is hanging out with.... Pffff
One Rope. One Stool. One Shove.
Fuck Him.

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mgtowisfreedom2 3 years ago

I'm looking into my crystal ball now and see that the government is going use the treaty as reason for lockdowns and vac passports.

Meanwhile after WW2 allies signed a agreement saying they would not force medical procedures on people. The government and courts saying they have no sovereignty in Australia.

Ohh hypocrisy when will the sheepeople wake up and why can't I just be left alone.

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

The WhO is the CCP's puppet ; the CCP is the Cathedral's puppet,. The WHO is unelected by us: Evryone supporting this should be executed for treason. Period, no compromise.

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joolco22 3 years ago

You Aussies need to have a serious long look at who you are electing to government!!! The atrocious that your government has perpretated on it citzeny is only dwarfed by the mass murders the Soviet Union cleansing of the Ukraine and Mao's Cultural Revolution

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Yes all the checks and balances - and fuck all of them work or are implemented.

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