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The BAGHDAD House of WISDOM...

Published on 26 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 6 months ago

So much history THEY don't want us KNOWING ABOUT.......

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Leader_Desslok 6 months ago

Gosh , sounds like America today . the thing that "they" are trying to put an end to . just like Babylon. because we have become Babylon in the more negative sense of the term.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 6 months ago

@Leader_Desslok: Nah, bro. America WAS NEVER great like THAT. Its now a fucking sick, LGBT, child-abduction capitol of the world, man-hating, identity politicing, Lesbian-loving, whore-mongering, bed-wenching, epstein island culture promoting, feminst, trafficing, gun violence cess pool. Believe me, I love america and came here because I love it so much, but im also not going to lie to myself or others about what it has become. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88zvm7-fhKo

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bigintol03 6 months ago

@Eggy Noggy: I agree with most of what you said, but guns aren't the problem, the problem is the people who pull the triggers!

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 6 months ago

@bigintol03: True, but ill take it a step further. Guns distribution in a part of the world where its population has the highest mental illness on the planet IS THE PROBLEM. Bro, im Swiss. We love our guns, but fuck me, man... we are not killing eachother back there at the same rates as people are here. America is chimping out . Seriously. lol

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sauger1001 6 months ago

@Leader_Desslok: We're more like Sodom and Gomorrah.

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bigintol03 6 months ago

@Eggy Noggy: I can't argue with that!

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 6 months ago

@sauger1001: dude, I WISH it was as simple as Soddom and Gomorrah here. I mean, Soddom and Gomorrah was 'Correctable'. We are beyond the rubicon. Did you see that chinese commedian Jiaoying talking about Diddy? She said that when diddy got arrested, many chinese people she knew left the country. She was being dead serious. Thats INSANE.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 6 months ago

"This country has been around for a couple hundred years and we think were 'Hot shit' and we dont even realize that other countries have thousands of years of history and culture.... and they're proud of it. We are culturally NOTHING, we mean NOTHING, we only care about the bottom line..." -Frank Zappa

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Leader_Desslok 6 months ago

@Eggy Noggy: remember that " Namrood was the King of Babylon and was active during the times when Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) was vigorously opposing idolatry. He is said to be a strong man and a brilliant hunter." remember that Nimrod is probably a n allegory for any society or culture that becomes degenerate like Sodom and Gomorrah. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nimrod

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 6 months ago

@Leader_Desslok: indeed. Nimrod could be an allegory for quite a few things. But a nincompoop is always a nincompoop. lol. But as you know, societies of the past and their rulers ( Corrupt or not ) could not even begin to fathom a country with the kind of riches, infrastructure etc seen in todays western societies. I would almost be willing to bet that if we were to sire up a time machine, go back to soddom and gomorrah, grab a few people ( Without getting butt-fucked ) and bring to today, I think they would actually be grossed out with what were currently living in. I mean, the population of s&g was nowhere near america's current population and we often overlook the fact that Soddom and Gomorrah were a vicious and brutal group of people... who just happen to love ass-fucking when they're not being brutal. lol.

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