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The Bait and Switch

Published on 29 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation
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sauger1001 8 hours ago

The tats would've made me think twice (she has quite a few for an 18yr old), but it sounds like another bloke who thought with his d!ck instead of his bigger head. Hate to say it, but that's a hell of a way to be red pilled by a femon.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 7 hours ago

He will remember for the rest of his life

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mrghoster 2 days ago

Society, government and Entitlement has given thdelusion to femon's they can getaway with SHIT, but the tide is cjanging what with MEN not even wanting to help femon's anymore.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 days ago

A Man without a femon is still a man, a femon without a man is just an empty vessel going nowhere

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CircuitDoc1 2 days ago

She accumulated all those red flags by the age of 18? It's hard to believe that someone with that much worldly knowledge is now hiding from the authorities, what a prize catch. Men are gambling their entire future anytime they stick any body part inside of a female.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 days ago

Best to stay away from them. they all crazies at different degrees

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James1225 2 days ago

Skank cheap meat all of the femons of the West, lucky the chap didn’t get the John Bobbitt treatment. Taste would be the least of his worries….

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 2 days ago

Femons are all mental cases

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CircuitDoc1 2 days ago

The male victum was asked what was he thinking??? His reply; I uas vewy vewy dunk at the hiem.

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James1225 2 days ago

@CircuitDoc1: best not to let your privates be at risk when plastered, lol apt to be lost around unsound femons…

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sauger1001 8 hours ago

@CircuitDoc1: Sounds like Henry McCullough, during Pink Floyd's "Money/Us And Them" recordings. Lol!

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