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The Basket Case Bitches of Taylor The Fiend

Published on 28 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animation


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sauger1001 4 days ago

Without their makeup/fakeup on, they're "average at best".

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sauger1001 4 days ago

Is TTF Australian? Just asking for a friend (Popp/Blake).

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So you can't identify an Australian accent? ------ Rooly? ------ Truly? ------ Fair Dinkum? Jesus - the wonders will never cease. Yanquie - Use the Force.

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Australian women have the most God Aweful Accents - like nails down a chalk board......

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sauger1001 4 days ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Like Olivia Newton John? Perhaps I was too busy looking at her arse (or ass) to know the difference. LMAO!

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SFM2046 5 days ago

lol, yup. I have caught on to that years ago. After the blue pill goggles are gone. You start seeing women as they are. The average women is not very attractive, has little to no personality, and in modern times are generally horrible people. We tried to look at them as if they would have the morals of men. They do not, they are dependents, the expectations should be different. As well as the authority they have in society and in families.

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Thanks for contributing and adding to everyones education...... Men's intelligence and insights compliment each other. Another man wrote that he said this to shitty women, "Aside from being a woman, what other disabilities do you have". That pisses them right off. Another man wrote... I might come back to that... my 10 second attention span just ran off with it. Something to do with them being fucking arseholes.... And not being particularly bright, creative or companionable. They don't get it that being invited into the guys house as his wife and looking after the place, and having children is as good as it gets... The chronic malcontents are .................... This list could get quite long - for the time I have available to do things for tonight... "I don't want one" - is a good summary.....

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I think the other thought was to do with another man saying women are shallow, nasty and manipulative and the fuckers expect men to fawn to their every scam.. Something like that....

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