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The Best Dashcam Videos Of 2023 - BIG MAC KAREN RETURNS! - Brake Check, Bad Drivers, Instant Karma
Published on 19 Jan 2024 / In
Film & Animation
I doin't usually post these Car Crash Vid's but this particular one apart from the usial FUCK WIT's doea have a number of BAD Women Driver clips, so enjoy Pretty suer most of these CUNT's don't even have a license or a BRAIN! DAH! the big Mac Katen that trys to blame a trucker she cut up then she crashed, she tries to blame him for making her drop her BIG MAC as she was driving. Abnother women CUNT stops in the middle of the highway (at night) for god knows what? Another nearly get's taken out by a bus when crossing the road and there are a couple more to enjoy.
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Most of these fuck-tards deserve to die!
Big Mac Karen......... A bloated Beer Keg on Legs....
What a fucking retard....