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The big problem with how we pick juries

Published on 18 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

A legal loophole makes juries less diverse.

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Four years after the shooting death of Laquan McDonald, the police officer, Jason Van Dyke, faced his day in court. But in a trial where race became central to the case, there’s only one black person on the jury. And that’s in a county where nearly a quarter of people are black. How did this happen?

In jury selection, racial discrimination has historically been tricky. Discrimination isn’t allowed in jury selection, thanks to what’s called a “Batson challenge.” But the problem is — Batson has been widely regarded as a failure at keeping racism out of the jury box. Watch the video above to find out why that is, and why it complicates the prospect of a fair trial by jury. is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out

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sbseed 2 years ago

no fucks to give about the 'racial' issue...
silver lining a thug cop gets taken off the street along with a shitcongo nigger...

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

What i learned is the bloody attorneys doing briefs to supress evidence. So many cases where one woman who was her own attorney when she got evidence on a folder said DO NOT give till AFTER TRIAL.

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sbseed 2 years ago

its garbage because they pick the people who cannot get out of jury duty...
or if the asshole judge/DA can pick special jury, even though it is supposed to be random, most of the time it is not it would seem.

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