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Published on 20 Sep 2020 / In Non-profits & Activism

⁣[PART 2] :⁣ https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/the....-bitter-amp-sad-real
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Councilof1 4 years ago  

Good vid with some very interesting points. I would like to point out when the media says thing's like Utopia, Paradise, etc you have to ask for who? I believe a Utopia of sorts is being built but I highly doubt any of us will be part of the Utopia. I think we will be confined to a Dystopic hell.

Doggk this is kind of unrelated but in the past few years I've become utterly convinced not only is there a Temporal war on there's also a Spiritual war being waged for souls. This is from someone who for most of his life really didn't think or care about god, religion or spirituality. I'm sure some who will read this will think I'm insane. So be it.

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Doggk 4 years ago

Thanks for that quality comment bro ! I'm totally agree with your point but the thing is that the utopia you mentionned is already there, people have been brainwashed all their lives for generations now and most of us do not realise it ! Because that propaganda is made to put your soul in jail ! like Morpheus said in the Matrix.. The key to understand it is to learn history of our ancestors. The current worldwide dictatorship is doing the same thing as Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah did.. We all know what happened with these cities.. So where do you think we are going ? The bible, Coran and Torah predicted these things centuries, thousands years ago,.. And what's really scary and disturbing is that all the books describe the same signs which will happen just before the apocalypse... Not everyone will go to hell.. Thanks to the messiah, Jesus ! He gave us the possiblity and help to reach the gates of heaven.. There's a lot of good people on earth.. And god knows them.. God doesn't put his children in hell.. It's his children who choose that place.. https://media1.tenor.com/image....s/dfcc80661027619198

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Doggk 4 years ago

You're right about the spiritual warfare. And you're not insane brother ! They think we are insane because they don't understand these things the same way we did.. They don't go deeper in their thoughts, knowledge and scriptures.. A lot are trapped with their works, which consumes a lot of energy of them.. They live in a type of toxic routine which blocks them from opening their minds by thinking and studying.. This is not only a physical warfare but a spiritual warfare.. What you and me understood ! But most of the people can't because they're brainwashed and they don't want/can't take the red pill for various reasons.. There's a war between God and the Demons of Hell, it's a fact.. for thousands of years ! God has casted many angels out of heaven because of their rebelion when he decided to create humans.. We humans, God's creation have something that not even an angel has.. the chance to repent when we sin and to be forgiven for our sins.. Like all wars everyones joins his side.. or just stays in the middle or out of it.. Some humans will join Gods army, some will join the army of the kingdom of darkness.. But the real question is, if God is the creator of heaven, earth, planets, space, hell.. Why are all these demons (Satan, Belzebub, Moloch, Bachus,.. etc..) still existing, why does hell still exists ? God had the possibility to destroy them and hell too but he didn't.. And that's one of the biggest evidence of that war ! God is agree with hell.. Demons are right about some of us.. But demons are not honnest, they cheat ! And that's why God will win at the end.. What's beautiful is that God has sent several messengers to tell us the same message.. To make sure we don't fall in the devils traps.. I've seen many demon possessed people in my life, and that's one of the major things which made me convince that if demons exists then God too ! If demons have access to people who give them access.. Then God too !! Demons possess people to take as much as possible souls to hell.. God brings his light with the truth in order to set you free, help you reach the gates of heaven and help your brothers and sisters to do the same thing ! To understand these things you must use your sensitivity and you already did ! You just need to be initiated to understand why god gave you that gift, why god has sent you to the right informations, the right people and what your mission is in this world ! You're on a good path ;-) https://media1.tenor.com/image....s/040c79a7c665dc91b6

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bluewaters 4 years ago

@Doggk: As a sunni muslim, I agree with literally everything you guys said and you worded it all properly, meaning you guys know what you are talking about no doubt.

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bluewaters 4 years ago

And I read the rest of the comments, you guys make good points, doggk what you said is right, stay on the right path man, dont seel your soul

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Think or Die
Think or Die 4 years ago

The Heaven for "Them" is Hell for us. Most are unaware of what they are seeing. There's no way that we were meant to work like we do for as long as we do. There's a difference in living and existing.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

si vous ne parles pas francais vous ne pouvez pasregarder la video !

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Doggk 4 years ago

LOL Parce que vous parlez français peut-être ? J'ai mis des sous-titres pour que ce soit compréhensible pour tout le monde ^^

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Doggk: Qui mais tu ne peux pas regarder et lire en meme temps !

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Doggk 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: Alors il faut le faire en 2 fois, d'abord lire et ensuite regarder ^^

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Doggk: Yup that's what i did lol

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Doggk 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: Do you really speak french or was it google ? ^^

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Doggk: Half and half it's been a long time since high school . Lol

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Doggk 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: Oh that's cool ^^ I love when english speakers speak french, the accent is so funny.. same as french speakers when they speak english ^^

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Doggk: Sometime's when i'm done writing a song ill try it in Spanish or French . Just to see how it comes out .

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Doggk 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: Are you musician ?

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Doggk: Oh ya I have been Playing Guitar and other instruments for over 40 years . I have my own recording studio and my friend has one in Portland . It's what i love to do Now that i'm old and Retired .

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Doggk: Do you Play ?

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Doggk 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: Well it's nice to see another musician here ^^ I'm music producer too but still not retired lol. I have my little home studio and I produced for over 17 years.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Doggk: That's cool brother it's almost a lost art. Right now i'm doing some songs just for us men . Have two Down one is called ( you can't buy barbie's love ) and #2 ( paper doll's ) and one in process ( Blue Wale Watching ) Look's like we are birds of a feather .

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Doggk 4 years ago

@Bagoodman: Yup I played Saxophone for 9 years, when I was a child + teen and then I stopped.. But now I'm saving money to buy one of the best saxophones on earth (Yanagizawa, japanese saxophone) ^^

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Doggk: Cool , I'm Looking to Implement some Bagpipes Into some things. The Sax allways is a plus . ( Southern Blues Rock )

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

So now I come to the realization that capitalism isn’t in itself the problem but rather it’s bureaucracy and materialism.
Even our founding fathers never truly intended for deep state bureaucrats under Zionist democracy to infiltrate the United States and turn it into a democratic socialist-capitalism hybrid of an Orwellian system that violates other rights including the 1st, 2nd & 4th amendment rights under the justification of national security when in reality it not for the benefit of the people but rather for the elite’s narrative of control : )

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Doggk 4 years ago

Capitalism is not that bad, but the problem when you put money in the center of any society.. Morals start to dissapear, people become individualists, in short money dehumanizes, money destroys everything.. Money has already destroyed a big part of nature, sports, music, arts, religion, peace, justice, "relationships between men and women", etc... The ones who warned USA were the Native Americans, like siting bull or geronimo.. Zionist are a part of the problem but the biggest problem is the FED in USA.. Thomas Jeferson, Lincoln and John Fidgerald Kennedy lost their lives to protect USA from the Fed.. The fed came back 3 - 4 times to try to convince US presidents troughout history to sign their financial enslavement contract.. They refused and were systematically assasinated.. The fed tried for centuries and finaly succeeded.. If USA is enslaved, the rest of the world too.. It has been made to enslave the world.. That's why USA is the only country in the world who make loans at interest rates greater than 10%, and that's only 1 example of multiple things USA needs to do in order to payback their debts.. In Europe such things are prohibited.. But Europe has it's own technic on how to enslave its own population.. The sadest part is that USA has absolutely no chance to payback its debts, the fed knew that... So that's why they invest billions in millitary and wars, in order to plunder and sell their weapons in the whole world... USA transformed it's political ideology after WW2, they became an empire, they think that their last chance is to rule the world.. But Russia, China, parts of Europe, Iran are resisting.. The problem with USA as Putin said is that USA changes every 4-8 years their presidents, but the political, economical system of the country doesn't change...

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

Amen, No political ideology is perfect. That’s why I prefer constitutionalism and free sovereignty over capitalist bureaucracy and communist totalitarianism.

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Doggk 4 years ago

God prohibited us from creating governements, and it's obvious why...

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

Definitely because governments are prone to failure, BTW I’m right now on a relatively small dose of DMT and I can barely see stuff like static geometric patterns which I cannot quite describe but damn this stuff is honestly powerful. So I finally found a very cheap, effective and legal way to produce DMT... Basically from melatonin and white distilled vinegar which contains glyical acidic acid.

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Doggk 4 years ago

@Shadow Monk: lool careful with these things.. ^^

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UltraChad 4 years ago

very leftist video, but it's good one either way, make people think

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Doggk 4 years ago

It's not that leftist, it's rational... It's about respecting humans, the wild and the nature.. Our planet is sick of us.. It concerns both sides right & left... Because if we don't ! Everyone is going to be in the same shit.. No food, poluted nature, misery, war,.. These things are comming because no one pays attention to these things and only a very few take actions.. because people are deeply brainwashed nowadays to the point they prefer to stay asleep and scared to face the truth.. It's like having cancer.. There's people who will go to the doctor to let themselves tested because they want to face the truth, and later fight it.. And some won't because they're too scared to face the truth, and they'll be forced to learn the truth and won't be prepared to fight their cancer, because it's too late.. Unfortunately we are all on the same boat..

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UltraChad 4 years ago

@Doggk: defending well fare state and ambientalism is bullshit in my opinion, but I see from where you are coming, that's why I think it's a good video even with some few disagreements

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Doggk 4 years ago

@HigorRodrigues: I don't defend wellfare, I think wellfare is a good as a bad thing, it depends on the context.. I'm more for a system with a free market, which gives the chance to everyone to get the fruit of their deserved labor.. Wellfare is destroying that, that's why I hate it. Because it transforms people in lazy wellfare sponges.. Most people who have the chance to live on wellfare are dipshits, retards and irresponsible.. They don't create, they do nothing, they just take the money and they do not evolve.. But the ones who worked like slaves for years, are most of the time rejected from the wellfare system.. That's not right.. Wellfare can be controled, 3 months wellfare after you lost your job.. You forced to look for work otherwise you'll end up in the streets.. + less wellfare, decreases the number of taxes people pay.. So the responsible workers will have more chances to save money.. While the irresponsible ones will have to learn it the hard way, instead of receiving the money of responsible workers with wellfare.. That's how life works.. What I defend is to give the chance to everyone to live in a more equitable world.. Apple sells Iphones for 1000 dollars, do you know how much had to work on it and how much they were payed ? The minerals come from african countries where children don't have a chance to go to school, so they're forced to work in mines to survive.. They pick up minerals like 10 hours / day for less than 20 - 25 cents in extreme and dangerous conditions.. With no safety nothing.. If the mine collapses everyone is burried alive, no insurance will be involved.. And apple will buy these minerals and make millions out of it, they'll never pay a cent to the families who lost their 5 year olds, 8 year old, 10 year old... How can anyone feel right about buying a smartphone these days when you know these things? It breaks my heart to see people just throwing them on a wall, for fun.. Because they ignore all that process to make these phones, electronics.. Same with clothes, electronics,. in Asia.. These companies get richer while the poor get poorer.. The problem with these companies getting richer is that they become powerful, more powerful than governements or banks.. And personally on don't want companies to rule the world, it's already a mess. It'll become worse... And as I already said, you may say defending or preserving our nature is bullshit, I may say the opposite.. But we are all on the same boat.. Ones the nature shuts down.. Everyone is fucked..

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