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The Blue Pill Pipeline - MGTOW

Published on 17 Apr 2017 / In People & Blogs

In this video I reduce the male/female relationship dynamic into a single easy to follow diagram.




The life of each man within western culture is marked off by a series of mile stones. Firstly, he enters elementary school. Each of the 8 years which constitute each of the 8 grades are composed of a series of expectations externally imposed upon the man. He must complete assignments, write essays and book reports. He must read assigned books and short stories then hand in commentary that contains an interpretation which is deemed acceptable by the rules of interpretation imposed on him. He is expected to sit through timed tests which measure his ability to memorize and parrot back what has been put into his head. If he is successful and meets all these expectations to the satisfaction of what is almost certain to be a female teacher, he is granted approval to commence the cycle again with a higher-class number and a heavier burden of expectations.

After 8 years, this man goes to high school. In high school, he repeats this cycle for 4 more years but is granted a level of choice to simulate freedom. Will he take English class in first period and geography is second period or will be choose geography in first period and English in second period? These 4 years go by much in the same fashion as did the first 8. He is continually groomed to seek the validation of an external authority with the anticipation that if he meets expectations, he will be rewarded with every more challenging expectations.
But this pattern is not exclusively contained to school. This pattern repeats itself in his interpersonal relationships as well. It is not controversial to say that every relationship is generally follows a certain progression.

In the first case, the man enters the dating phase of the relationship. At this stage, the expectations laid at his feet by the woman are the lowest they will be in the relationship. Though she will expect the man to pay for restaurants, bars, and the various other expenses that are incurred through going on dates, she will not expect her rent paid for nor her vacations. His time in the dating phase is also taxed at the lowest rate. The man may be expected to see and speak with her no more frequently than once a week. He will, not as of yet, be expected to serve as an emotional tampon for the woman. She will restrain herself in order to convey her best self.

The dating phase itself also has a graduating component. When the relationship has gone on for a year or more, pressure will begin to be exercised upon the man on one of two fronts. He will either be expected to propose marriage or she may suggest they move in together. If either of these events occur, the relationship is shifted to the next stage; namely, the co-habitation stage. At this point, the expenses associated with day to day living such as rent, utilities, groceries, and even vacations will slowly be hoisted upon the shoulders of the man. The man has successfully graduated to a higher set of expectations.

Following the co-habitation phase, marriage is the next logical expectation that will be put upon him. With marriage, a complete merger of his assets with her is the price he must pay. The woman now permits herself to demand large ticket items like cars and houses as part of what the man is meant to provide. Marriage used to be the end point of the relationship pipeline for much of human history. However, with no-fault divorce and the bias against men in the family court, one additional phase has become the norm.

The final phase of the relationship is the divorce. Here, a majority of the man’s assets as well as his future labor are permanently transferred to the women while simultaneously freeing her from all obligations towards the man. After divorcing her current husband, the woman is free to start this relationship pipeline with another man.
Though the story I have told is nothing insightful or interesting in itself, we need to look upon it carefully to evaluate its constituent parts. At its most basic level we can visualize that each of these 4 stages of the relationship contain pressure which is exerted by the woman upon the man. In turn, this pressure in one form or another always demands the parting of the man from his money. That money, ultimately goes to some corporation. Whether the corporation is a humble restaurant, a luxury hotel, a jeweler, or a car dealership matters little. The pattern remains the same. It is obvious and uncontroversial to say that the male female relationship pipeline is something many businesses plug into and rely on for their existence. Such corporations have it in their best interest to ensure that this relationship pipeline never runs dry.

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