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The Boys are back in town!

Published on 07 Feb 2025 / In People & Blogs

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Toki 1 month ago

Political power comes at the end of a gun.
If I had freedom I wouldn't need a license to drive a car, registering my plates to the king, and a license to own a firearm. The military enforces this communist nation/State's taxes.

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lrlpercy 1 month ago

Oh good god don't join now! You only have Trump for four years, only four years.

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James1225 1 month ago

When the pooch is poisoned, don’t go back. You will have the stigmata deserved or not, those whom did the ill are still there…..

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Toki 1 month ago

You fool. Military are the goons of the Gov. Also they cause more inflation because they aren't producing anything. They only consume what they steal from others. Just like women. They should offer their daughters to the king's harem also. Worshiping the false god of the state and fed. The same institution which taxes good productive working men into poverty. Just so some lazy military cuck can rent a hooker for one night and get warts. Because military revolves around simping for women first and foremost. A human species without low IQ tournament mating rituals wouldn't even have Gov and military or police.
Turn on the money printer I guess. Pay all these lazy men to sit around in squalor which working men are forced to feed, house, and clothe them for free.
The DEI is not done either. They will still have women around and just like in the image there you have Perez, Perez, Garcias, etc. Are you sure you didn't pull a Mexico military image? Also oddly doughboy fat for apparently being military. N Americans for sure. A useless military that just sits around and eats all day. Men's tax dollars being wasted yet again.
Is military is acceptable then I should be legally allowed to Viking raid my neighbors just because I feel like taking their property and daughters. I'll just them the terrorists and the masses of NPCs will agree because low IQ.
Now go abort yourself in war for Trump's Jew cult. Or join an illegal American street gang and fight over turf in Chicago or Detroit it's the same thing. Paying men to join the military creates more single moms and national squalor after all. Get ready for more inflation as we are forced to feed freeloaders in Gov uniform. Meanwhile the UN are the bad guys right? How are any Gov military any different than the UN. It's the same thing. Invade and steal from people who do not have true freedom and gun rights to defend themselves. Meanwhile in the military you get paid to murder and steal from others in aggression not self-defense. Idiots. The lack of human IQ amazes me. It's tough being a monk who has a clear mind that isn't corrupted by Evil vaginal creatures who want you to go die in war so they can receive attention and praise for your death. As well as free housing, med, food, etc. for being a hoe military wife.

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JMGTOW 1 month ago

this is the honeymoon period before the divorce rape. people need to plan to gtfo as soon as possible.

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