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The Brainwashing Of The Masses Into Drones & NPC's

Published on 24 Oct 2022 / In People & Blogs

You see them when you are out and about. In waiting rooms or on the bus, sitting there staring lifelessly into space glassy eyed as if there is nothing going on inside. Or in restaurants or bars staring at their phones instead of socializing with their friends because their brains have been completely hijacked and controlled by them. You try to talk to them and they give you automated responses like they are an AI chat bot only capable of pre-scripted small talk. The dark truth is that most people in the civilized world have fallen prey to social conditioning and cultural programming very deeply. So deeply that they are conforming not because they have made a conscious decision to conform because they feel for some reason that it is in their best interest, but because they have been totally brainwashed into conformity. You see, they HAVE to be brainwashed to conformity because it is NOT actually in their best interest. So no one in their right mind would make a conscious decision to conform. Social conditioning and cultural programming are done for the benefit of society, the government, controlling authorities and powers that be, not for the benefit of the individuals. So they run their programming so deeply that it becomes actual mind control.

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Other Resources:

Men's Self Development Book:

What Is A Person?:

Mind Control 101:

Complete Self Help Library:

Sex Ed For Men:

Female On Male Sexism Exposed:

Channel Mirrors:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UC-VA4ANahY_ogTjKL
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/220oSs3H2ljw/
MGTOW.TV: https://www.mgtow.tv/@masculinismmovement

Social Media:
Minds: https://www.minds.com/truelifedevelopment/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrianKrall4
Gab: https://gab.com/TrueLifeDevelopment
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/truelifedevelopment/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brian.krall.376

#Brainwashing #MindControl #SocialEngineering #SocialConditioning #CulturalProgramming #SocialNarrative #CulturalConditioning #SocialProgramming #Religion #Media #MassMedia #Culture #NPC #Drones #NonPlayerCharacter #TheMatrix #Male #Men #Masculinity #Masculinism #Masculine #Man #Manosphere #SocialScience #Sociology #SocialPsychology #Psychology #Brain #Mind #Consciousness #Thought #MGTOW

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