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The Business of Fitness | ARX Fit CEO Mark Alexander on 21 Radio | Full Length HD

Published on 27 Mar 2015 / In Film & Animation

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This is a podcast on two of the most important elements of becoming the ideal man: health and business. In this podcast, the founder of ARX Mark Alexander, shares the most important principles for getting in the best shape of your life and building a successful business.

In this podcast you will also learn:

- What it really means to be healthy.
- Why it’s okay not to love exercise.
- How to find outstanding people for your business.

About Mark Alexander :

Mark became active within the fitness field at a very early age (as you can see in his “I am Superboy” deadlift photo). In an effort to increase his knowledge and skills, he studied sport management at the University of Texas and took a position in their athletics department.

In building upon his mission to change the way the world exercises one client at the time, Mark founded Efficient Exercise in 2001. In 2009, Mark teamed up with inventor Randy Rindfleisch to develop ARx (adaptive resistance exercise) technology.

As CEO, Mark’s unique perspective, entrepreneurial spirit and industry experiences help drive the management and growth of Efficient Exercise. He is the catalyst of best practices in each of the company’s fitness studios by continually improving service and operational systems. Mark oversees the international distribution and development of ARx equipment and is spearheading the organizational strategy with focus on expansion.

Visit Mark at

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