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The case to bring back public executions(Until dire lessons are all learned)

Published on 19 Aug 2020 / In News & Politics

⁣I'm calling out all people of the world to urge the resurgance of public executions. Things have gone too far with corrupted politicians, terrorist groups, murderers, child rapists, and any other criminals that threaten our freedom, sovereignty, and well being. Doesn't matter what race they are, doesn't matter if they are a man or woman, if they do those vile acts then they should be publicly executed. I urge you all to contact those who can bring this back. It won't be forever but it will serve an important message to why we stand for freedom and natural order until the deed is done. We have seen the worst criminals in government and terrorist groups do unseakable evil during this forced plandemic/scamdemic. This has gone too far and this is why we need to bring back public exeuctions for the time being until all criminals worldwide are gone.

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wroger_wroger 4 years ago

Yeah I support it - for seditious liars in the Democrat Party in the USA and all the Burn Loot and Murder / Antifa rioters as well..... Just mass executions and be done with them.

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snake_charmers_jj 4 years ago

It’s only awful because he knows he’d be on the TV getting his neck stretched or chest a few new AC vents.

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americus_deville 5 years ago

Fly the friendly skies. The whole country has been turned upside down through feminism and political mismanagement at least since 1960, but probably since 1913, with the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank.

#AD approved.

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Yup and that is why we need to publicly execute and broadcast to the world the death of all the traitors.

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americus_deville 5 years ago

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: They have colluded to destroy the "greatest" nation in history; and now they have established a medical dictatorship. This is something we are supposed to be happy with? No way. #STAYMGTOW #AD approved.

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@americus_deville: I say we carryout the public executions on the antihuman scum ourselves. If we become a mob together in person then we have sovereign immunity. It happened in Indiana when an angry mob publicly lynched a child rapist so we must do this even more frequently.

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@americus_deville: On another note we need to start forming lynch mobs all over because that gives us sovereign immunity.

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@americus_deville: Like the pissed off lynch mob that hung the child rapist in Indiana.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 5 years ago

stoning also works

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Yes we can use that form of public execution too.

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Call all your fake news stations and dumb fucking politicians and demand them that public executions be reinstated!

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