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The COLLAPSE Is Here! NEW DATA Show The EFFECT Of MGT0W - Modern Women Going CRAZY (GETTING Worse)

Published on 19 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

Alert - "Headphone & volume warning", the first 3 minns or so contains women throwing ascreaming abdab freak outs! Leftist women just don't understand why Consevative MEN don't want them, yet women don't want the lefty leftover MEN because they are cucks and NOT traditional? Well lady's (I use the word Lady sparingly). "YOU CANT HAVE IT BOTH WAY's". If YOU want traditional MEN who open doors and pay for you and your shiut and you want them to be their for YOU? Well you just don't go for lefty MEN (cucks), you don't treat MEN like SHIT, and for fucksake Dress nice and consider haqving a wash once in a while, some of you Lefties STINK. So if women are leftist, and MEN are generally conservative, the problem lies with the women. The part of the word "CONSERVE" is a big clue! MEN even if they don't admit to it are usually and traditionally Conservative, Cucks, Simp.s and Mangina's are the one's out of line along with the women that use them and abuse them and then the /cuck will cry when rejected? MEN do what is BEST, WALK away, be yourself as a MEN. doing that is actually showing a women what she actually really want's However, DON'T fall for the approach because they will destroy you. Yet them sweat and panic they cant have YOU, and let them know THEY cant have you under any curcumstance! lol! I mean a women can be as nice as she likes to me, and that is what I woyld expect from a women after all I'm a MAN! But you know she is play acting and deceiving, so don't fall for it. I'm in a place where a women can be nice to me, hell dance stark naked on a table infront of me, bat those lying Eye brow's at me all she likes, but I know she is a liar. Finally MEN do tend to think conservatively but it doesn't mean you are politically that way, I'm A political, it doesn't interest me at all. Anyway, enjoy some of these MAD CUNT's and have a smile and laugh at their cost! Peace Gentlemen.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

"I felt the Feminism leave my body..." I wonder if Feminism is just the demonic Spirit of Jezebel. Maybe, there was or are demonic spirits worse than Jezebel, the woman with the painted face epitome, that's a stone carved meme in Antiquity.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

When these cunts start talking, I'm like... shit, can't we find a dick willing to plug her pie hole...?

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

Who cares? The women aren't worth it. Get your Passport bros, and find better watering holes...

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

What do you mean going crazy? They always were crazy: We just get to see it publicly.

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deathdealer 8 months ago

Most modern women have been brain washed from birth to believe they are an oppressed group and that the "patriarchy" is their enemy. They want to have a traditional man but think that they can control such an individual because they are entitled to that. This is the having one's cake and eating it as well syndrome. In classical Newtonian physics this is an impossibility and quantum mechanics, spooky action at a distance, only would enable such a disjointed thought process. This would suggest they are living in an alternate dimension from reality. I suggest this is just another form of the dysphoria that they suffer from brought on by the liberal hive mind culture we live in. I conjecture that this lack of touch with reality cannot be sustained and will cause the end of civilization as we know it. End of rant.

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mrghoster 8 months ago

women THINK in a Deluded they can have that cake and eat it, butt the way things seem to0 be going they will soon be vomiting it up leaving a bad taste in their mouths. women CANT and never will control MEN especially the one's with their minds open and embrace the solitary life. women cant touch us. the certainly WON't be getting a traditional MAN, those day's of slavery are gone for good. Men have NO obligation to women at all, and the broken gynocentric society of the Matriarchy has given MEN that chance along with Feminism, that has done more for MEN as it has shown MEN the unleashed womens nasty nature, and as these harpies continue to follow feminism they just do not see that Feminism is their to destroy the WEAK, namely women.

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WMHarrison94 8 months ago

I seriously am starting to believe it's a demonic possession on these postmodern feminists.

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