redpills pt 16 - RedKnight
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Yes, vote for a lying corrupt pedo fascist over Orange Man bad... damn, her brain cells must have died... talk about zombies, er I mean Plato's "Democratic drones!?!"
Damn, she didn't die early enough... like OJ, Ruth's asking..."Is it me or is it hot in here?! Er down here!?"
No... your pussy is walled out, stalled out, and stretched out early... must be 4 digits penial numbers... dick stacking test: FATALITY!
Uhm. It befell her: She was wetter than a SlipNSlide, wetter than your backyard filled up in ground pool and her OVARIES were SCREAMING!?! the Whore Moans were imminent...Just saying...
So, soy infused boys still see reality!? Damn, TFM was right again... that gap is the hole in your ass... so stretched out, worn out, and well, just not desirable...