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Deeper stuff 2 - RedKnight

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The Coming Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

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Published on 16 Jun 2023 / In People & Blogs

The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is coming soon. But is this the Mark of the Beast?

Many people have told me that we will not be here for the Tribulation because we are "not appointed unto wrath." I agree. I believe what's called the pre-wrath Rapture of the church. We will be raptured out before the wrath of God is poured out. Here's a video about that.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

The Mark (or Sign) of the Beast Isn't physical, but spiritual. It has to do with our attitude (or THOUGHTS, ie forehead), AND our actions (hand). Keeping (OBEYING) God's Laws (ie keeping God's 7th Day Sabbath holy, instead of the 1st day, Sunday), shows God's sign (or MARK) on that person (Ex. 31:13), while not keeping (DISOBEYING) God's Laws is the mark (sign) of the Beast. Has nothing to do with stamps, tattoos (though God, via Lev. 19:28 forbids them), computer chips under our skin, etc.

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