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The Corruption of the FBI | Robert Barnes

Published on 11 Dec 2023 / In Film & Animation

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“The Corruption of the FBI”
Robert Barnes
Barnes Law, LLP

This speech was given on April 25, 2023, during a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar, “America’s Uncertain Future.”
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Hillsdale College is an independent institution of higher learning founded in 1844 by men and women “grateful to God for the inestimable blessings” resulting from civil and religious liberty and “believing that the diffusion of learning is essential to the perpetuity of these blessings.” It pursues the stated object of the founders: “to furnish all persons who wish, irrespective of nation, color, or sex, a literary, scientific, [and] theological education” outstanding among American colleges “and to combine with this such moral and social instruction as will best develop the minds and improve the hearts of its pupils.” As a nonsectarian Christian institution, Hillsdale College maintains “by precept and example” the immemorial teachings and practices of the Christian faith.

The College also considers itself a trustee of our Western philosophical and theological inheritance tracing to Athens and Jerusalem, a heritage finding its clearest expression in the American experiment of self-government under law.

By training the young in the liberal arts, Hillsdale College prepares students to become leaders worthy of that legacy. By encouraging the scholarship of its faculty, it contributes to the preservation of that legacy for future generations. By publicly defending that legacy, it enlists the aid of other friends of free civilization and thus secures the conditions of its own survival and independence.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

Yeah, if there's a true God of Truth, these liars, election meddlers, and election cheaters will die painful deaths in the act this time and all this shit blows up in their face. In my opinion, any Federal agent, electee, or official who is a Demoncrat and RHINO including judges is guilty of treason and should die immediately. I don't are if everyone in DC dies... You do the crime, you do the time in Hell!

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

The FBI went wrong as soon as it was created...

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