The Culture War EP. 31 - Rise And Fall Of Project Veritas w/James O'Keefe & Luke Rudkowski
Published on 06 Oct 2023 / In
News & Politics
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I like it... O'Keefe Media Group Academy...I bet it will work. We are at the "apocalypse " of an age, the Age of Pisces, which is the Biblical Age of Salvation because Christ walked with us, God of Israel in Cosplay... The upcoming age is the Age of Aquarius, or Of Enlightenment, ie Biblical "Revelations" where ancient truths become known or "Relearned." Isn't that "Enlightenment?" Now, I know the ages of Astrology to be true-- I don't know or am not sure about the Rise if Jupiter or Venus in whatever crap is true. I do believe the I want to say Occultists or Satanists believe it or use it to fool or screen retards from leaders... They use it as a calculation. So, why this matters? The Bible states only the hour is known to the Father, Christ said of course, but the "signs" of the times... signs and emphasis on times or "ages" is a ditect correlation to "astrology." I also do believe that early whores accepted the "astrology" as forbidden knowledge before they whored themselves out to the Fallen (Angels) fathering the giants and other hybrids necessitating the Flood to preserve our pure human DNA, so that later Christ could be born... just saying. It all adds up once you begin to see the evidence and the "equations" as it were...
My point being these new feminine "energies" of the Age of Enlightenment or Aquarius are already forming around this. Whether this is only an Awareness social movement or radiational "energies" from the Universe, God of Israel, or some neighboring stellar body, ue galaxy or galaxies, stars, or planets etc... My point is the age of centralized powers-- governments, industries, arts, productions, and manufacturing is coming to a close.
These Occultits are desperate to make us dependent on them and retain their power that their own AI Sophie told them is waning... Freedom is just around the corner during the actual "changing" of the ages around 2040, which is why they have a 2030 Agenda to solidify their power. However, I think our newfound spirit and freedom of decentralization will be short-lived for only lasting within a thousand years... Have Good day.
CIimate Change is real: It's just that it's not about the environment... It's about the traitorous liars "leading us." The change they want is all of us dead or enslaved... 99.999% of the world population dead-- stated their Atlanta Guidestones...
Sorry Tim, I did SERE twice...
Luc hit it on the head, unorganized journalist attacks... The Holy Spirit has been doing this for years, decades, centuries! The reason the Cathedral is weak right now is because the Holy Spirit has been coordinating unorganized attacks chipping away at their facade and power... The Cathedral can go after movements like Oath Keepers-- a FBI entrapment Psy-Ops... lone wolves are their greatest fear-- Timothy McVay hit them an huge blow independently... that's is how you end their false power-- independently verify and record them and then sharing it...
Chaotic, destructive, evil demons er people...Oh, Tim must have met Killary Clinton...