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The Daily Wire puts a gag order on Candace Owens to shut her up about the DW.

Published on 03 May 2024 / In People & Blogs

At least leftists are a-holes to your face. The Daily Wire gets a gag order on Candace Owens so she can't legally debate them. Rather than being for 'free speech' as they claim, they're just as bad as the left when it comes to disagreeing with them.

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Toki 5 months ago

I don't like any of them but I side with Shapiro on this or whatever. Because he's funny in a cringe way. Candace is just obnoxious. I don't want to hear females talk unless they are waifus. Especially black women of all. Woof, woof. German Shepards in wigs.
I can at least laugh at Shapiro being the little whiny Jew turd he is. That one comedian on YT who imitates him lol. Candace though is just useless, not even funny. Even if you tried to imitate her using comedy parody it wouldn't be funny at all. I just hope she doesn't support hippy hop/cRap culture and music. If she's a classical music/jazz or something than I give her credit for being different than the black thug culture which is cringe as F. Especially for females.

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faxohem 4 months ago

You're retarded

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

How dare you attack Thug N ThOT culture... that's the only thing truly American... er wait, we have Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, and that fake Christianity uhm Mormons with their magick underwear.... Candace OWens is a grifter... I do not care what shit she spews out... as for tiny hat Ben, well tiny hats might become censored so tiny baldies or top baldies might work... It's the Jew you though you knew... Knowing is Power! Right?

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Toki 4 months ago

@faxohem: So you like ugly masculine females who bark too much and wear fake hair product? Sorry I don't support online welfare sponges who are too retarded to understand they are the ones causing massive inflation just as bad as Gov people who don't work. While someone like Ben or Candace have videos about the cost of living. Yeah the are part of the problem because they expect free money for simply making videos and having opinions. Like retarded Joe Biden does.

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Toki 4 months ago

@faxohem: The retards on the Daily Cuck Wire let a black woman in and now she's burning it to the ground. BLM I guess. Either way these Daily folks are quite lame compared to the men here on MGTOW tv. So why defend them and call me retarded? Are you one of those suckers who gives them money to play online welfare State?

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Toki 4 months ago

@WMHarrison94: I would prefer cowboys and farm wives to be American culture. However I prefer rock and metal, or game music. As opposed to country.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@Toki: no. Candace Owen's is a Leftists. I saw her spew nonsense and then she met like Lauren Southern or Roaming Millenial Chen isn't or Sydney Wattson back when she was fertile and fuckable and was like "You make how much money? " Guess what, now she's on the "Right," whatever the Hell that's supposed to mean anymore... No, I don't like masculine men and the rising costs of living; I am a monk for a reason, MY SANITY! and it's a Hell of a lot cheaper..

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@Toki: It used to be... they invented Pop and R&B to displace them cowboys and their country ballads...

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Toki 4 months ago

@WMHarrison94: And now American culture is total cringe of big city violence and prostitution of whores. I'll take Samus in a cowgirl outfit any day over something like Beyonce with her annoying music. Or the traitor Taylor Swift. I like the recent Sandman video meme of Taylor then and now. Now she's longer attractive at all and not just because she's getting old. She got ghetto.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@Toki: oh the Tsylor Grift and her flat ass flatter than a cardboard box...

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faxohem 4 months ago

@Toki: you shouldn't take sides between shapiro and owens then. neither of them seem to represent you.

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faxohem 4 months ago

i mean shapiro is not pro-usa, he only cares about israel

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Toki 4 months ago

@faxohem: I don't. Just saying at least Ben is fun to laugh at for being a whiny beta. Black women are just disgusting and not even funny. Maybe once Candace hits 50 or 60 she'll turn into one of those entertaining black grandmas who are funny. Assuming she doesn't come out as male. I just don't know. Hard to tell with black females.

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Toki 4 months ago

@WMHarrison94: I like anime chests for sure but flat is nice sometimes. Not completely flat but someone like Frieren and her cute little pocket rocket figure.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@Toki: if she lives that Iong... she attacked the Jews...

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@Toki: I like small titties females: They know their small and they put out better... she's gotta compensate with that ass... That is literally my youth in the Navy at NO Fuck Virginia, the highest population of men... except a part of them are always deployed...Trust me bro, I knows.. Everybody was going after the big chested deviants... so I entertained the little titties, legal of course...of age.

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Toki 4 months ago

@WMHarrison94: There is no legal age with real females anyways. They are all claimed Gov property. That's why average men get punished.

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usr6874038614 5 months ago

Do we need any more proof that Shapiro is organized opposition?

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

how dare you! Believe your lying eyes... uhm and ears, and tongue (you might be tasting the deceit...) and nose if you think you smell their bs... LOL! Just trust me bro...

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usr6874038614 5 months ago

Sorry dude, I suffer from a physical condition where my immunity system immediately shuts down any signals in my optic nerves that originated from propaganda. Every time I try to look at fake news, I become temporarily blind before the information reaches my brain.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@usr6874038614: hMMM. I think I heard of this: There was a hacker show or series where every time the main character saw a company, likely Intel, Google of AOL, he only saw 'Evil Corp" or something like that. It started with Evil. Well, as long as the propaganda does not get through, it's all good here !

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Nothing like a liar calling you a liar.

Benjie the Kike knob jockey.

Yay Benjie.

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Ben Shapiro.

Jewbie, Jewbie, Jewbie, Cum Dump.

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GenerationLESS 5 months ago

Soon you won't be able to say the phrase "tiny hats".

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

We can call the round tops or top baldies then...

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