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The Dark Sacrament of the Womens Movement

Published on 28 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

One of the darkest figures in the history of the women's movement is Margaret S. A strong proponent of the anti-natal campaign, the organization she founded is responsible for unimaginable human harm. In this video, I provide a brief biographical sketch of Margaret along with some critical thoughts.

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myopinion 3 days ago

The Atheist Experience airs Sundays at 4:30pm Austin time. Call the show! 512-991-9242

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NerokeFive 3 days ago

Like I said! The guy’s a Bible Thumper! That doesn’t make his points about Feminism and what they’re doing untrue. They do have a cult mentality ( Secular though not Satanic) they are evil and hateful, and their influence on certain cultural beliefs and mores has been pretty profound. I was surprised to find out that there’s a couple of things simply taken for granted now that have their origins in early feminism. He’s a Bible Thumper yes, I’ll take the good information and leave the rest. I don’t just dismiss everything a person says just because they’re into something I’m not! If you have this mindset, your worst enemy can be your best teacher.

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myopinion 3 days ago
myopinion 3 days ago

@5:20-5:25 - ............. Oh goody, ... it's time to quote bible verses. ( Time to ignore, ... that it's proven wrong, & contradicts itself. ) ... ( "god" CONDONES ABORTION ) -------------------------------------------------> Numbers 5:22 - May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.”

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myopinion 3 days ago

@3:25-3:47 - You say that, like its a W. ....... It's NOT the win, you think, it is. .......... You basically said, ... that the 2nd group, was smart enough, to understand, that PRE-PLANNING, is important. (which it is) ........... Try retiring, without savings ......... Try going to the hospital, without insurance ........ This is what's called PRE-PLANNING. ...

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