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The Dark Truth Behind U.K. Arrests: Open Borders, Terrorism, and Silenced Voices | Redacted

Published on 30 Oct 2024 / In News & Politics

Remember when the U.K. government arrested people for what they called "far right" protests after the killing of three young girls? Scared and frustrated British people took to the streets to protest open borders and liberal politicians who refuse to keep them safe. Prime Minister Keir Starmer called them racists and extremists. Only they may have had a point. According to the charges, Axel Rudakubana, did have links to Al Qaeda training manuals and is being charged with terrorism. So the government owes these people an explanation.

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Starmer - He's going to be butchered in the street.....

People of the UK - please live stream it.

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GenerationLESS 4 months ago

As opposed to the title of this video, the REAL "Dark Truth" is that all of this is by design. The west is being destroyed on purpose with the runaway migration. I read this was the plan 20+ years ago; "Death in the Air" by Len Horowitz. The former mural, that has been painted over, in the Denver airport right after they built it, but now replaced, depicted this scenario. Some pretty sick shit though has been put in it's place.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

True. I believe it is because they can't control us. The Globohomo (Satanic) Jew was riding Germany in WW1 and WW2 the way a horseman rides a horse, and we the US leading the West beat them multiple times. Now, they are trying to destroy us since they can not ride the US to world domination like they planned a hundred or so years ago... We are not their slaves: Unfortunately, these fucks need to learn the hard way...

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GenerationLESS 4 months ago

@WMHarrison94: I quite certain from what I've read that Israel has a back bedroom deal with the Chineese. Worldpower is designed to shift to China, with Russia in it of course. The west is out, people just haven't come to terms with that yet.

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

@GenerationLESS: yes and no. There are three types of Jews: God El's favorite devoted Ortjox Jews, the useful idiot Liberal Jews, and apparently the cream de crop of Hell the Satanic Jew, ie "Synagogue of Satan." The Satanic Globohomo Jew likely has this treaty with China: We know this. Both rich fuck pedo Bill Gates and Dark Elf Fauci openly made deals with China prior to the Lockdown: The problem was China's incompetent biotech workers exposed or leaked the virus too early-- or was that an Act of God El? Perhaps, the Holy Spirit (God El) has His hand in it. I for one think it has been spreading more than we think and already in the US in California because of the plastic ban, the homeless stopped shitting in plastic bags. They shat where and anywhere they wanted. The state had to create a Doody patrol. Guess what-- everybody had to keep their distance to navigate around the shit, and Cali is the first port China vessels hit. So, there's that. We know Gates and Fauci had China make their lethal clotshot too, though I suspevt the "They don't exist" Ukraine BioLabs until Putin said "You mean these labs?" likely had backup copies and parallel research: That's just good global economics: Don't keep all your chickens in same cage... So, yeah they have back door deals-- they're both users and suppliers in the pedo Black Market. Now, the question is if the country of Israel is legitimate? As you know, Zionist fucks are trying to force God El's "Hand" into Armageddon and Tribulations. The funny thing is they think they can!? God El is on His timeline, a heavenly timeline. Hebrew slaves suffered for three hundred years! God literally moved or blown up mountains, ie Santorini the cause of the Ten Plagues and parting of the Red Sea where the Bible said it was, at tbe tip of Israel. They have less than a century to wait, begore it could happen. How do I know this? Well, I asked God El why did the Jews have to be in Egypt four hundred years? The typical scholar tells you God had to find someone worthy: Yeah, that's true. He needed Moses to be how He wanted to depart Egypt. He defeated Egypt's elemental "gods" and "judged Egypt." Even the Egyptians said this like four times carved in stone, literally. So, why? Astrology or rather Astrological Ages, the "heavenly age" or timeline I mentioned. Mount Sinai was a new paradigm for a new Age, the Age of Aries (The Ram) and Biblically Age of (Moses') Laws. So... really? Yep, when Christ came down it was the transition from Age of Aries to Age of Pisces or Biblically Salvation. In the mid to late 2040s, we will be witnessing those of us alive the transition from Pisces to Aquarius or "Enlightenment" or Biblically Revelations. The Revelations have already started; the "energies" are already changing and the Deep State or Centralized power, ie the Cabal or Cathedral, know they are failing and loosing power. They tried to usurped the feminine energies with their Marxist feminism, which is failing royally now. So. There you are. I hope this was not too long...

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Fucking google... orthodox Jew!

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WMHarrison94 4 months ago

Australia and UK gave up their guns... this is your fate, "slaves."

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