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The Darkest Subject...

Published on 04 Mar 2025 / In People & Blogs

"Disclaimer: I'm not at all suicidal, and if any discourse herein convinces you suicide's a good option for you, you probably went wrong somewhere.

"Community challenge!

"Sorry if this reads like a paralysis question; it's relevant to how I might live out the faith to which I'm in the process of converting: Would suicide violate UPB so long as anyone in creation loved or depended upon the person committing it? I should think that would definitely constitute forcing a win/lose situation. What if we're given that, and also, literally no other party would be immediately affected? The suicide would, I guess, "only" be depriving the world of some potential utility they could provide. There are people like this today (from a secular perspective). Is it just then kind of a lame and ugly thing to do (i.e, not aesthetically preferable) and far from being really wrong?"

"How can a smart writer write dumb characters? Can a professional gifted painter paint something similar to what a 5-year-old would paint or similar to an inexperienced adult's painting? Can Freddy sing badly? Can Gilmour play guitar like he never held one in his hands before?"

"Funding your enemies:

"I pay for a YouTube Premium subscription. The main benefit is no ads, which saves time. And YT also has the widest range of video content on a range of subjects.

"However - I also view YT as a corrupt organization that has censored and defamed good people including the one and only Stefan Molyneux

"Am I not supporting my enemy?

"I could cancel my premium subscription, but then end up paying with my time by watching ads (and driving CPM ad revenue for YT at the same time).

"More broadly, how should I think about 'funding my enemies'? When (if ever) is this moral or just?

"Thanks Stef 🙏"


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