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The Debate on the Yes Vote Invalid Constitution and the Filing.

Published on 12 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation

11 September 2023
Cafe Locked out With Dr Billy Bay and Mulara Senior Lore/ Law Woman

Grandmother Mulara Debates Suspended Dr William Bay about his claims on The Voice

Grandmother Mulara, who is a Lawyer stating that William is wrong, and so they have both agreed to come on Cafe Locked Out and debate/discuss this.

And when it comes to disagreements this is how it should be done. I refuse to attack other Patriots online, no matter what.

Better to show that we have the moral fortitude to stand by our beliefs and debate, Even Dr Dan needs to be credited with this.

Is Dr William Bay correct? Well the jury seems to be out, and while many Lawyers are bagging him, they are doing it in the background, where as William, even if he is about to be shamed, is prepared to debate.

He's already come on a second show, live, where he debated anyone who challenged him, courteously.

We will always have differences, we have from the start, but that is healthy.
That's how humanity has always been.

But by openly debating, we show the world that we have the courage to challenge and be challenged while still remaining a Tribe.

To all Leaders out there, a Noble Leader works to unite, not divide.
Michael Gray Griffith

Note:> The Filing Was Done Today 11 September 2023

Grandmother Mulara's Website

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sbseed 1 year ago

why do they call this old cunt 'aunty'...
also, the old whore is full of shit...

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Actually she is dead on and absolutely right..... There is a difference between proceedurally correct and idologically driven.

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And it's an abbo thing, where you call any man or woman that is senior to you in age or family heirarchy Uncle or Aunty.... It's the issue of extended family and clans and everyone is related to everyone else... (sort of) //// /////

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