The Descendents of Slaves and Slave-Owners Meet Face-to-Face | The Oprah Winfrey *read my comments below*
The 'Oprah Show' has hosted any number of highly emotional apologies over its 25-year history. Few of them, however, carry the same historic weight as the time the grandchildren of slaves received a moving apology from a man whose ancestors had been notorious slaveholders. For more on #oprahwinfreyshow, visit h
The Descendents of Slaves and Slave-Owners Meet Face-to-Face | The Oprah Winfrey Show
Being half native america from one of the oldest tribes in america. I think this is all bs brain washing by media. I remember watching this show years ago. Remember the LA riots ? Watts Riots or when the japanese came back to their homes from the camps where was the apology after obama got into office
he sent officials to japan to apologize for us nuking them twice. Who started it? No apology for what happened in Nanking? Or when the chinese took firearms away to protect themselves the people had to protect those same idiots asses when the japanese army invaded and almost took over china or it would be one country today.
History is all BS just people forget do not care and you cannot argue with stupid because reading the comments on you tube to this video those same idiots are pushing for vaccinations and mask wearing.
Black men who stand out in speeches and great actors would have a ton to talk about this. Does this mean i have to go back and apoligize to other tribes my ancestors 1000 yrs ago took slaves in battles i was not there.
In history there was a black slave owner who sold babies right after birth the mother was never allowed to hold them even white slave owners looked down on his
methods. He would rape his slaves and sell his own children.
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Oprah and other such shows hire actors for this kind of crap. This fake as hell.
If you didn't do it, then your not responsible for it. Appologies = Media Bullshit Trips of the First Order.
"Yeah feeling a bit lost.... my father just died."
"I am so sorry."
"Why? You didn't kill him."
Spin it back 200 + years... (or what ever)
"I am so sorry for what my great, great, grand father and my great, great, grand mother, did to your great, great, grand father and your great, great, grand mother."
"Oh boo hoo" = mutual blubbering over shit that none of them had anything to actually do with... "Healing the nation as it were"
Fuck Off Operah - you fat patronising bitch.