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The elevator incident. 1 guy and 1 can of vodka

Published on 09 Apr 2023 / In Film & Animation

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bigintol03 2 years ago


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Hmm no idea what the brand is or what it's absolute alcohol content is....
But the regular 45% alcohol content vodka is quite a fire hazard.
Toss in fucking around with a can / glass full of it, in a locked in confined space and deciding to light it and spilling it over his hands and then dropping the burning container.... which spreads the burning liquid fuel across the floor.....
Genius level stupid that is......
One of my friends used to say, "Out of small eggs do great monsters hatch".
This is a case in point.

I am actually kind of surprised that he didn't go up in flames.....

You want to know why I ONLY put enough fuel from a big container into a small container, enough for the task at hand, and I keep both containers immediately capped / closed......

It only takes a simply knock or a spark etc., and your immediately into things like burning the house down kinds of territory.....

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

Did you hear about the guy in Milwaukee a handful of years back that took a blow torch to a metal barrel that had jet fuel or the like in it? I don't think they ever really found him.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

I saw a guy put a cigarette out in gas before but this was in a big shop with moving air. I was told modern gasoline is way more stable than the gasoline of yesteryear because of the way the hydrocarbon chains are formed or something. I think this guy was in trouble due to the confined space, maybe he ran out of air or something? He is going to be in pretty bad pain for a while from those burns

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: so you think he lived? or are you so informed somehow?

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

@TripeSwing: No I saw it with my eyes when I was around 19. I was working as mechanic at a shop. There was gasoline in one of those oil drains that stand up and you roll around because this guy changed a fuel pump, the kind under the rear seat, he did it sending unit and all and there was some gas spilled around in the drain. It's the vapors that catch fire not the liquid. I mean I dunno maybe it sat around a while or something. It's as if the guy did it subconsciously because he habitually put his cigarettes out in the oil drain. I cringed when he did it and I got scared but nothing happened. I don't think he realized what he did until afterwards

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

@TripeSwing: so just to clarify the dude took a sending unit assembly out with the fuel pump and put it in the oil drain because there was some spillage. We usually did it that way and laid a lot of drop cloths inside so gas didn't get on the carpet.

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: your handle reminds me of a song I wrote "Phantasmagoric Nookiebarber".

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

@TripeSwing: haha. I just read this article where this woman was offended and she said that she was literally accusing men of telepathic rape by looking at her scantily clad photos and visualizing her naked. I just thought it was so absurd. Then it made me think of the movie scanners where they can use telekinesis to kill people hence my avatar haha

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

@TripeSwing: I looked it up on Google it says you can put a cigarrete out in gasoline without it setting fire. I guess it's possible to do. Hey I mean I say the guy do it but I think he did it unconsciously and wasn't thinking there was gas in there

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

*saw the guy do it

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: There was an old Star Trek Next Gen episode with the buxom brunette telepath lady where she was telepathically raped

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@TelepathicRapist: Yeah grew up watching Scanners..... and then came Cartman in the battle of the psychics..... "Ni, Ni, Ni, Ni, Ni, Ni, Ni".

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@TelepathicRapist: It's called the strichometric ratio - How much liquid fuel by weight, is dissolved into the air...... Too little or below the lower explosive limit and the vapour will not ignite, and to much or above the upper explosive limit and it won't burn - but within the explosive limits - or at about 20% higher ratio of carbon and hydrogen molecules to the perfect combustion ration of oxygen molecules, makes the most energetic reaction - or the most powerful blast...... IF you calculate the air temperature and humidity and all that and mix in an amount of fuel by weight ratio to the air... especially if it's very cold dry air - instead of warm and very humid air - you can have a HUGE blast inside a building..... And the thing is that air fuel explosions for a residential building tend to be around the 3 PSI mark, but when each wall is say 9' high by 20' long - that is 80' x 9' of wall area and the 400 square feet of ceiling = (80 x 12) x (9 x 12) + (400 x 12 x 12) = 162,000 square inches - with 3 PSI per square inch = a total pressure of 484,000 pounds..... this is why air / vapour / gas / dust explosions are so totally insane.... "POW!" - and all that is left is rubble and splinters.... =====

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