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The elite that has taken almost all the money is now after everything else as well - Neil Oliver

Published on 25 Jul 2022 / In Film & Animation

Neil Oliver takes a look at who's to blame for all the crap today, well naturally it's us, the HUMAN Being. That is the Human Being that was forced or coerced into taking on all the things the corporates made that polurte and destroy, yet because wh bought into this it is our fault even whgen wee were insenntified to go along with it. Ian't this blame thing what a sociopathic partner does to their other? Personally as this goes on I simple remove whatever it is from my life and find old fashioned way's of doing stuff. If the lights go out, I have light already to use, if the fuel run';sout I have a bicycle! If my patience runs out, I have my Karma and stoic views to keep me sane. If one day they want from me? Well they can fuck off big time! lol! I've avoided being head fucked like most of the sheeple NPC's aqnd I've survived worse in the past. Inside my head and my life "I" am the most important thing now and they cant take that from me now I have the right mind set and a good Intuitiobn back!

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