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The Empress Hour 6/6/24: We Talk Cults, Trump, George Clooney & More!

Published on 06 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

Game: Shantae Half Genie Hero (GOG, Steam)

Sorry, never did discuss that gooning part. Maybe next week.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Good video. I kind of agree but mostly disagree with Empress...

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Batman? Val Kilmer's was okay and er Birdman... Keaton his was good too especially the second one where the flame spitting clown got fried by the Batmobile... Clooney? Nippkes? Huh? Ben Affleck was okay the problem was sharing the screen. The MCU Avengers did it better especially with their choreography and the Final battle scene where you start with one and then follow along... I love that Black Widow scene "I can use a lift... There's my ride." Then you see Hawkeye shot his arrow and then pans to Hulk smashing and Hawkeye shooting an arrow to Loki which he catches and then it explodes and the Thor lightning scene then he and Hulk end on the flying Lizard dragon thing and ground it... Awesome coordination and teamwork even at the beginning when Banner joins them aligned in a circle. I think all the DCU directors failed doing that .. in Wonder Woman they got it with the Amazons fighting the NAZI Germans...

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

A strong women like what was her name Cassey Jay, who did the Migtow movie sorry Red Pill movie... you have to ignore the demonic influences: I believe only the Father can teach that, thus remove the father from the household...

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Movie? Magick? What movie is coming I ng out (besides Deadpool and Wolverine buddy flick)? I also know that music records are released after demonic ceremonies or rites likely with the moon to push generating more sales with their spell or enchantments...And I believe I know "How to ask God El for things or help" as defined by Him. Most misinterpreted the Biblical.quote: "Ask and you shall receive." Having met one of the (True) God's in death and His angels, I know this exists and I wonder why when young witches were throwing themselves at me...I think they wanted the Duvine they felt in me. Just saying.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

They put flouride in our water to crystallize our pituary gland or pineal gland, the mind's eye cutting us off from the Divine and Spirituality. Some of us are pushing back and some filters remove the fluoride from the water...so there's that. Many sell their souls for physical Gaines, wealth, popularity, and drugs but they die when the mafia chooses them to die as Satanic or Demonic sacrifices... Well, witchcraft or shamancraft is real and there exists a demonic cartoon dimension, which makes me wonder how dark are these demonic bastards indoctrinating our kids to silly cartoons?! Just saying...There's a reason the craft has been steadily pushed into a lot of "entertainment."

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