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Redpills pt 8 - RedKnight

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Published on 21 Nov 2022 / In People & Blogs

In this video I discuss my return to discussing going your own way, my life after MGTOW as the Angry MGTOW, and more.


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awol201 2 years ago

He is not so much a traitor as he is a grifter . He is a sad cautiionary tale .

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Mustang 2 years ago

The essence of MGTOW Philosophy : Striving to be the best man I can be without the approval or validation of women.
Since you are encouraging men to seek validation from other people then that is certainly not the MGTOW Philosophy. You are encouraging your fellow men to return to The Plantation. You are encouraging men to take The Blue Pill again. You are encouraging men to believe lies again. Not cool Bro. Not hatin' on you just stating facts. You are betraying your MGTOW Brothers who once believed in you and your message. That is really, really sad.

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Mustang 2 years ago

Sorry Dude, just because you get married does not mean you will not die alone. My father died alone because my mother refused to go see him in the nursing home and he was married 55 years. You believe a fallycie.

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Mustang 2 years ago

Yes, one component of MGTOW is self ownership. It's why it doesn't fit lazy, worthless Millennials and Generation Zeros because they believe in responsibility shirking, wasting time playing COD in their mothers basement, smoking Pot, going in debt for a useless college degree and working 20 hours a week at Starbucks and calling that a "Carreer".

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