The ENITIRE world is making fun of us thanks to this diversity hire. Karine Jean-Pierre
The headline: "New Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre ‘struggles to answer a question coherently’ like Biden"
They are saying she makes about as much sense as Joe Biden. For advice, she should talk to her partner/husband/wife/whatever who cares (CNN’s National Correspondent Suzanne Malveaux), who she "shares" a child with according to CNN.
God only knows how they are "sharing" this child. Did you share the child with President Molester? Was that part of the deal? "Sharing a child"...the whole country is rocketing to hell. Have the child ask the pervert molester in charge about his hairy legs.
Hard to take a brain dead former MSNBC reporter that only had to read a script (she can't really do that either) and turn her into a Class A liar. It takes a while to get to that level. Notice they kicked her to the curb over a weekend. Oh to be a fly on the wall at some of the meeting that are going on right now.
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I give you, the next mayor of Chicago, NYC, LA, Portland, or Seattle.
She is black, a woman and a lesbian - since when was this a qualification for anything?
"Oh Wow - Amazingly Amazing!"
Everything WOKE turns to shit.
How about everything SHIT is made into WOKE?
Fucking idiots, and the fucking idiot diversity hires.
She is not an imbecile, she is a Bimbocile