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The Events Leading To The #2 Bed Debacle (Breakdown) Is It Cheaper To Keep Her?

Published on 25 Apr 2022 / In Entertainment

TikTok Tik Tok Compilation Breakdown on the effects of "unchecked" open hypergamy within the dating market
Analysis #Reaction #Reacts

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 2 years ago

Men see this, men see What Jada did to Will (and Will to himself), people saw Robin Gibbons do what most men couldn't and take down Tyson. Men see this play out time and again, and like the fools we are we keep going back. One of the hottest actors in the biz was married to a literally willful bed shitter, cheater, and abuser.

The ONLY dating advice worth giving to any man anymore is 'Don't date women". Feminism made it hard; feminism and time has made it pointless. Cheaper to keep her? At some point men are willing to pluck out their own eyes for a moment's peace from the one they would have once killed others to be with.

Modern society, laws, etc have made marriage a costly waste of time, money, and health for men. Zero benefits. Zero control. Total responsibility; even if Johnny wins this his legacy will be tarnished long after he's dead by a woman that behaved unthinkably badly. Not just a wife, but the wife HE CHOSE.

Men, marriage is like the lottery; sure someone wins, but it isn't played by winners. Until women learn to stop being horrible and the system gives you a modicum of basic human rights (some states won't let you test for paternity, you have no right to your own sperm, withholding sex from a woman is abuse, etc), you're better off unmarried. Might seem lonely, but the other option is a total mirage, a phantom, a polished apple riddled with worms being offered by a witch wearing a pretty mask. If the past won't teach you this, or the present doesn't seem likely, let common sense speak instead. What is the endgame with her? Where will it go/ What does she offer other than snake oil for your loneliness and bowel movements in your bedspread? What are you actually getting out of this that isn't a projection or delusion of your own mind but who she actually is?

I can't change your mind, but I can urge you to think beyond your libido and the moment.

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