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The Evidence of Hell

Published on 21 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

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myopinion 12 days ago

................... Does this classify, . . . . . as something of, ................................... ............... ..... ...... ............................... the " " S P I R I T U A L " " . . . . . O R D E R ? ? ? . . . L O L . . . . ... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ...... ...................... Who is your R E A L . . . friend ? ? ... ........ ....... ....... ........ ......... .......... ...... ........... .. Someone who DOESN'T play favorites, . . . ( with the bible ) . . . . . ............. ........ ....... ........ ...... & says, . . . to go, where the evidence, leads you. ......................... ....... ... OR, ....... . . . someone that wants to K * L L you, . . . . with R O C K S ! ! !, ............... .......... ........ ............ ....... ... if you DON'T believe, ..... like THEM. ... It's easy to see. ..... The religious, . . . . . ARE NOT, . . . your friend. .................... ................ ............... ......... .......... ..... It's a mind VIRUS. .......................................... .................. ........... .......... ........ ........ .... NO better than, . . . a S T R E E T . . . GANG. ............................ ............ ........... ... ...... ...... ...... If you leave, ..... they will T U R N, on you.

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