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The Exodus Decoded in HD

Published on 22 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Ever heard of David Rohls' In Search of Eden: I finally recorded a shitty copy, but I am going to try again. I also have his David Rohl Lectures I might post. Might be at, but like The Real Eve it might be VHS only or maybe DVD now.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Bro... you're awesome. My internet and well MicroShaft's Windows have been shitty lately!

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I tend to watch anything with Jewish leanings with a degree of scepticisim, The gold images of the book box, I tend to be rather sceptical.... Ohhh so the jew god was into interior decoration..... "Nice gold trimmings deity of the Kike" Too bad this fictitious celestial fiend was only invented 2000 years after the tribe of tripe on Mount Olympus... Etc.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: you know they wore gold, the High Priest, and the cloths around the Ark were gold don't you? I'll tell you now: The Ten Commandments are radiactive: Radiation. The gold infused blankets and the gold chest piece infused with precious stones protected the high priests. When their neighbors stole the ark, they all got radiation sickness.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: bro... this is older than the Greeks, rather the Helennites (who fought the Trojan War or were named after Helen of Troy/Sparta) and Heliades descended from the Atlantean Egyptian slaves who escaped with Moses and then left to Mycenae before Moses killed the "nonbelievers" of God El's new covenant for a New Astrological Age, Age of Aries the Ram or Biblical Age of Laws. Timothy Mahonney's Pattern of Evidence series fills in more gaps an touches the same highlights as Cameron and Jacobovic, he's Canandian likely living abroad with Canuckistan's BS Hate speech laws.

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@WMHarrison94: So in the beginning Adolf reated the world, and then came the Jew.... OK - I am with you so far.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Bro... you are so wrong, but Adolfie may have been onto something the (Satanic) Jew conspiracy covered up and that's the rise of the sons of Aryians ie after the Conan the Barbarian or Destroyer movies/comics. There is an age there: I think it ties into the oldest or second oldest Atlantis: Those being the Antartica alien base Atlantis (I believe) and the Eye of the Saraha "mythical Atlas'" Atlantis (Visiting Atlantis book and Amazon Gaia series;) I think the Age of the Sphinx and the Rise of Egypt post destruction along with the Sphinx'es rain damage are in the same period, preFlood... just saying. As for Egyptians, Jews, and Greeks... The Greeks and Egypt derive heritage from Atlantis... the Jews from Babylon or Sumeria before them. With the evidence of the Egyptian Scorpion King, both Ancient 0 Dynasty, Pre Old Kingom Egypt, and the Mesoptamian Sumeria are flourishing in the 4th Millienium BC (Fuck your dame E get over it.) and both Atlantis (The Two mentioned earier here) and the Indus River valley (also with their own Atlantis, Lemuria or Met, and the Chinese Silk Road date to Ten that is 10th Millienium BC. The GReeks were derive alphabet included from the Atlanteans and the slaves (Tribe of Dan Danoi) who made it to Mycenae (as shown here in E.D. doc) and the Minoans, ie Solon's Spanish Atlantis along with Crete, Santorini (Akrotiri) and the island outside of the Strait of Gilbrator (Pillars of Hercules) are Atlantean or of the Biblical Tarshish or Tatessos ' culture. Though, there are some ruins in South America that are a slight wrinkle, may also go back to the 10th M. BC with the Calendar of Adam and circular "sound" mines for gold extractoin-- not enirely impossible I strongly thick.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

Shit, that got longer! So, the Jews are 1,500 BC go back two hundred years during their influx into Egypt thats 1,700 for the Abrahamic Tribes. Atlantis (fore father of Greeks and the Helenites of the Trojan War around 1000 BC) the Jews are older, but the Atlanteans if traced back to the Eye of Sahara or Antartica are older 10th M. BC. But, the Greeks were using the Jews' alphabet which we can trqace their route out of Egypt never to return again... and the names of tombs and such written (Hellenistic writings and Age) match up with Biblical names. This was the oikemene, the known world: However, follwing the Exodus before the Trojan War, there was an Aegean Collapse because of the weaken walls at Knossos and such from Santrini's eruption. Scholars can be so stupid being like "I don't know what caused this." A fucking volcanic eruption dumbasss and weakened cities ripe for invasion... so like 1490s BC to maybe 1300 or 1200 BC alot of raiders like Viking Raiders but Greeks, Phoenicians, and Jews... Egypt calls them the Sea Peoples (When I saw Jews I also mean their half Jews from Lots' father fucking daughters too.)

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@WMHarrison94: I was following along up to the point of "The Age of the Sphinxter" - then I thought.... "I think I have seen that on Porn Hub" - the pre roman romans or something. Yes here it is, the Sphinxter Observatory, that is made for peering up at Uranus.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: My point js, without Atlantis, tje Jews are older. With Atlantis, both the Greeks and Egyptians are older: Though, Egypt and Sumeria are older. Parts of the Bible, the Old Testament come from Egypt and Babylon.

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@WMHarrison94: But Grand Pa is even older.....

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@WMHarrison94: The book or film you saw it in is like 20 or 30 years old. Therefore the jews and the greeks, atlanteans, and egyptians are only 20 or 30 years old. Grand Pa is 70 years old. Therefore Grand Pa is older than the Kikes and the Jews.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I did not see this in a book: I had to learn it from understanding the timelines. I was searching for Atlantis and realized there were ten or eleven of them and alot of mislabeling. I found Exodus from finding Solon's Atlantis told to us by Plato at Avaris from Pharaoh Ahmose I because he sent aid to the Atlanteans and did not die in the collapsing of the Part Red Sea (Gulf of Quibala- er something like that: It's not on all ancient mals but it touches the Southern border of Israel.)

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@WMHarrison94: The bible was printed in 2019..... says so right here... Grand Pa is older than Mr AND Mrs Exodus....

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