The Female Dip Shit Bullshit - This Is What Happens To RETIRED 304's When They Turn 30
Published on 23 Jan 2025 / In
Film & Animation
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Yeah, she probably got too deep in onlyHoes and it started to destroy her from the inside. That's when they "saw the light". Same story every time. So they make up this "I'm saved" miracle story to divert away from their own stupid mistakes.
Meet an Amish girl? Yeah, them Amish and Quaker girls can make a mean Dutch Apple Pie, almost (or sometimes) orgasmic as you're eating them...Those men won't be coming back for the modern 304s... they'd be converted.
She does have a face you can come on... enjoying it...
Life cycle of modern women: Phase One: They're retarded if born until puberty hits and titties expand, but only if their mommy didn't abort and flush their fetal ass out for Satanists to eat. Phase Two: While in public schools, er indoctrination centers, they learn to hate men despite men giving them things hoping to stick their dick in them. They top this off by going to college become insufferable Feminists Cunts, but Chad dick somehow manages to fuck them defining their "hoe phase" which is actually their life choice. Phase Three: These bitches try to get married second to her career. If she manages to trap a dick, she stays married long enough for another Chad to come along, er rather come inside her, or their student loans get paid off. Then, this phase ends when she's not happy and divorced her husband if she trapped one. Phase Four: The WHORE Phase. She realizes 35 to 85 is a loooooooooong time to be alone. She tries to find cats if she doesn't already have them.