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The Female Monopoly - MGTOW

Published on 19 Nov 2019 / In News & Politics

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Ms. Monopoly Official - Monopoly

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to talk about is the female monopoly game that came out a while back. I know I'm very late with this topic. But maybe I can add something that other haven't really thought of yet. So apparently the new Ms. Monopoly game is going to pay the female players more money. Instead of everyone getting $200 dollars when they pass go the female players will get $240 to make up for the gender pay gap. But who the hell even plays board games anymore? Women are usually late to the party. Whatever that party is. Board games have been dead for decades and I see this new boardgame as a gimic to try and revive a dying industry. But before I discuss this and more let me first tell you about today's sponsor The Doll House San Antonio Texas: Anyways now back to Ms. Monopoly the game that no one will play. I put a link in the description to official Hasbro YouTube page where they give money and the new boardgame to young aspiring female scientists. I hope it's worth it because the video as I'm scripting this video has forty-six thousand dislikes to twelve hundred likes. The dislike ratio is over ninety percent and they even disable comments under the video. This boardgame is telling young women that you can't win fairly in life so what you have to do is rig the game to win. Then when that doesn't work then you flip over the gameboard or destroy the game itself. That's a perfect metaphor for what's going on in our western civilization right now. The boardgame represents society and feminists are trying to rig it into their own favor and when they still lose they will probably destroy it by looting what remains of government money until the whole thing goes bankrupt. A great question to ask about this game is what happens if you're a young boy and you see the girls you're playing with getting more money. You'll think to yourself that's unfair and you'll stop playing the game because of that. Then your feminist mother will scold you and shame you for being male by saying the world is not fair because men make more money. What she won't tell you of course is that the only reason she had you in the first place was because she married a simp like your father that made thirty to forty percent more money than she does.

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Robokitty 4 years ago

I played that game with my family because I saw shoeOnhead play it.

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TheAnomalousHost 5 years ago

"Who even plays board games anymore?"

Oh fuck off. There's plenty of great board games that have been coming out ever since 2005 (more rapidly than when Settler's of Catan [which got renamed to Catan for PC reasons] hit the scene in the mid 90s). It wasn't until about 2014 or 2015 when it all got to be too much. Too many reskins of the same mechanics, too much bloat in the market, too much style over substance. If anyone is late to the party, I'd say it's you.

See that website BoardGameGeek if you don't believe me (though that being said, beware, that site has been getting plagued with SJWs and feminists ever since 2016).

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Zuberi87 5 years ago

Most of the millennials play video games, not board games.

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Sandman 5 years ago

I know. Yet thots are late to the party thinking they can re-engineer men using monopoly. LOL

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miyagicoatl 5 years ago

aloha Sandy - subbed - thanks for this new platform - gives me hope!

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MartinMGTOW 5 years ago

Dont play the game

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