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The Feminization Of The Military - MGTOW

Published on 15 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

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How Feminism is inflicting enormous damage on the readiness and fighting capability of the Armed Forces.

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Gordon. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is cover a reddit post called: "The Feminization of the Military" I'd like to read a bunch of statements from that post to show everyone exactly what the problem is with most specifically how training standards have been lowered for women. So here goes and I quote: "Women don't belong in combat Units: The military is watering down fitness standards because most female recruits can’t meet them and this is adding to new concerns that lower fitness standards fuel disrespect for women. The presence of women among male troops also weakens combat readiness. All-male units in the field experience bonding that enhances unit cohesion and effectiveness. When women are introduced, men stop relating to each other and begin trying to attract the women. The lower training standards also mean that men are no longer required to run carrying heavy weapons because women are unable to do that. In physical fitness tests, very few women could do even one pull-up, so the Air Force Academy gave credit for the amount of time they could hang on the bar instead. Female cadets averaged almost four times as many visits to the medical clinic as male cadets. At West Point, the female cadets’ injury rate in field training was fourteen times that of the men, and 61 percent of women failed the complete physical test, compared to 4.8 percent of men. During Army basic training, women broke down in tears, particularly on the rifle range. The Israelis, Soviets, and Germans, when in desperate need of front line troops, placed women in combat, but later barred them. Male troops forgot their tactical objectives in order to protect the women from harm or capture, knowing what the enemy would do to female prisoners of war. This made combat units less effective and exposed the men to even greater risks. In the Gulf War a female American pilot was captured, raped, and sodomized by Iraqi troops. She declared that this was just part of combat risk. But can anyone suppose that male pilots will not now divert their efforts to protecting female pilots whenever possible?" unquote. So there you have it folks. I've pretty much summed up what that reddit post says. Before I say more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to clown world. I remember hearing stories about how the US military banned gay troops for the longest time because of course they might be a little too focused on their fellow male soldiers instead as a distraction from their duty. But most gay soldiers knew to protect their secret and do their job village people stylez. But having women in combat units is probably going to lead to the next major war looking like the film Aliens for the US Marine crop. There will be too many Hudson's that the US military will long for the days when they were full of Rock Hudson's instead. Yes when a women enters squad of all male soldiers the comradery disappears and competition appears to see who can get into her rear. Plus on the battlefield her protection will come first and foremost because her sqeels of fear will require immediate attention. So why is this happening now? I believe that the only reason women are allowed in the military these days is because the military in the old configuration we understood back in the 20th century is rapidly coming to an end.

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WickedRalph 4 years ago

All facts.

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Wolfsbane 4 years ago

Free ammo

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sauger1001 4 years ago

Demokkkrats tried to march in a female combat pilot (regrettably, a Marine) to take out Mitch in Kentucky. Didn't work. No matter how much liberals try to prop up a military woman, who "claims" to be "combat trained", most people STILL have enough common sense to call bullshit on such an oxymoron.

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Mgtow Smurf
Mgtow Smurf 4 years ago

Not just lower standards for women in the military but also the Police Departments, Fire Departments etc. It's all about equal rights whether your physically qualified or not. My nephew is an EMT and states that when it's time for muscle the females stand down and let the men do the heavy work.

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That's just a disgrace...

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