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The FIRMAMENT | Waters Above?!

Published on 14 May 2023 / In Film & Animation

Im just offering a alternative view believe what you want.

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Leader_Desslok 2 years ago

ok so i am asked to believe that the earth is flat in spite of all the evidence that the earth is a sphere ? all of this because of an ancient myth written before there was any science or air flight ? ok so what is next ? did you want me to burn my degree in engineering ? is this video some kind of a joke ? if you believe anything in this video please get some help as soon as possible !

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Ozmosis 2 years ago

https://preview.redd.it/ucnk1h....0x4cb31.jpg?width=12 I'm not going to argue with someone who only accepts and is imprinted by the Rockefeller funded education system just know your masters have masters.

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Ozmosis 2 years ago
WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Land was created by pushing back the waters... The real question is how long was the day? A day for the Lord is a Thousand years for man...

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Leader_Desslok 2 years ago

yes , you can push back the waters by raising the land above the waters . that will keep the waters back effectivly . this owrks quite well on a sphere as as well.

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Bnew 2 years ago

Have you read the bible? Can ask you a question about it?

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Ozmosis 2 years ago

@Bnew: I haven't read it entirely but sure.

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Bnew 2 years ago

@Ozmosis: do you think that the God of the first testament and the second are the same?

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Ozmosis 2 years ago

@Bnew: Sorry for the late reply I took a hiatus I think there the same god if it's because of the warlord type of behavior all over the Old Testament that has you questioning if that was the same god it was you have to remember the old testement takes place before christ so there was no redemer men then were just like you see men now disobedient, hedonistic, and a lot of them had there DNA tampered with so they weren't fully human and that's why god had the Israelites do the things they did.

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Bnew 2 years ago

thank you for the answer I understand that I just don’t understand how God could be so vicious.. isn’t lucifer the god of the Jews ? The 1st testament sound like the Jews trying to convince the world that they are the chosen one (by lucifer) I heard that the American version is the best bible . Would you advise me to read any version in particular beside the KJB version that I have already read? And how do you deal with the magic tricks that are described in the bible ? Do they put you off? Thank you I don’t know people that I can talk about this

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Ozmosis 2 years ago

@Bnew: Well, remember magic is just science we don't know yet and the spirit world does work different then the physical something magical and i would start reading the non canon like book of enoch, the book of giants, and even the book of jasher to give you a more detailed explanation on what have might of gone on back then.

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Ozmosis 2 years ago

@Bnew: yeah, and as far as chosen races go God would have needed a tribe of men to uphold his laws, but they fell out of favor and were punished but i think the new chosen are the small flock that uphold Jesus' teachings.

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Bnew 2 years ago

@Ozmosis: ok thank you I guess that there are things that I will never know or understand I will just pray God and keep studying

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