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The first 17 minutes of The MGTOW Movie Pt. 2

128 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 31 Aug 2022 / Im Unterhaltung

@Terrence Popp @BlackRam313 @Black_Pill_On_Steroids RPOS @Black Pigeon Speaks @Mr Forma @JD MILES3 @The Redpill Elite Experience @Darius M @Sandman @Ken DelRican @DailyWire+ @Fox News @CNN @Undead Chronic XIV @Radha Submissive Wife Happy Life 6

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Heavyhand 3 Jahre vor

If I was a cab driver and my wife did not believe my innocence in the sexual assault charges against me.

I would divorce that bitch after I was exonerated.

Maybe it’s me but I just don’t think even a wife would show loyalty to her husband. I just believe from life experience loyalty does not exist within women.

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sauger1001 3 Jahre vor

Hard to see this movie making it through the (((SueTube))) "gauntlet". Greatly looking forward to the next part.

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Some feed back....

It's more like shoving an encyclopedia of issues into peoples faces.

There is just too much information crammed into it. Too much to take in, too much to process and too much to assimilate.

It's needs to be kind of limited to give a good generalised coverage of most of the issues.

All in bullet point.

"Brief Coverage of the overall scene"

Topic One.
2 or 3 examples, or a generalised theme - with a few particular points.

Topic Two.
2 or 3 examples, or a generalised theme - with a few particular points.

Topic Three.
2 or 3 examples, or a generalised theme - with a few particular points.

Topic Four.
2 or 3 examples, or a generalised theme - with a few particular points.

Topic Five.
2 or 3 examples, or a generalised theme - with a few particular points.

See talking to people who know this material - well they already know it.
Teaching the people who don't sort of know fuck all about it - it has to be done in small digestible chunks...

It's better to do it in easy to understand and assimilate examples, rather than huge volumes of information.

Kind of like going on a cruise, to all the lovely places.

Give the prospects, "The food, the fun, the sun sets, and all the touristy shit in brief." story with pictures and examples.

Instead of going by all the specifications on how to design and build and keep a 10,000 people cruise ship running.



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Unknowncrash 3 Jahre vor

Take responsibility over something you don't have control over. Let us berate you and do everything in our power to destroy your life but still expect you to care for us after everything.

Absolutely digusting.

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The biggest cunt hole of a feminist lie is, "It's a male dominated - what ever".

Most men want the job and they will work for it. Most women do NOT want the job and they are not prepared to work for it.

So when an industry has 95% men in it - the women shriek - "It's all their fault, it's sexist, it's oppression by the patriarchy, we want equality, we want quotas etc." - rather than admit the women made other choices to do other jobs, in other places.

The lying cunts that they are.

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