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Published on 06 Aug 2024 / In Film & Animation


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KEEPER 1 month ago

damn, lots of good info, are you going to upload more of this guys stuff?

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Yeah..... I have a HUGE backlog of work to do and I also have to cut back on watching and making and uploading videos.... There is some really good material around and there isn't even much time to watch the content any more.. .... I just skip watched some of this and said, "He is really good"... BUT the Episode 175 - say assuming there is 2 hours per show... there is a LOT there... Sometimes I think it's better to give a few good samples and then let people go seek them out if they want too....

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: yeah i like the longer content myself, i can just listen to it while i work, it's easier than just watching it. but i know some folks don't like the longer form stuff because they are in the mood to watch something, lately i have been listening to a fuck load of podcasts and this one i found at random and decided to give it a listen and it turns out i like what this dude had to say.

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@KEEPER: He is on Bitchute... I recall.... I think we are swimming in an ocean of information and opportunities. It's too easy to make the wrong choices and drown - there are squillions of content creators... and brilliant content... Like with the 3 pipe organ videos - I just picked out the very best of a heap of them - to show off what incredible machines they really are and how they sound.... Might up load a 4th one... memories - but there are lots of videos that are time wasters and just low IQ fill...

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@KEEPER: ALL the videos are GOOD but in different ways.... "Pipe Organ (An instrument the size of a building) " - if one is ommitted then the set, will not be as good as it could have been..... but if more are added... Ummmm well one more... but I now try to put in only quality and not fill....

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: low IQ entertainment, it's for relaxation mostly i think anyway. but during my day of working i always want some kind of informative stuff to listen to, there is a lot of brainless content podcasts as well out there, so not all podcasts are worthy of listening to either.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: i have been listening to a fuck load of hammerhand's content lately, so there is quite a backlog of content, i don't like his small videos, like i get the reason behind them, but the longer form content is where i click to listen most of the time, and i stopped listening to him when he kept uploading the stupid shorts content on this site so i pretty much forgot about his stuff for a while there, now that i know he does full on podcasts and he actually uploads them to this site, i'm more willing to give them a listen.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

yeah i could probably find them on youtube as well, but meh, youtube often takes shit down because he offended their pussy feelings again lol.

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@KEEPER: I have mostly given up on Youtube... The stuff that made it really great was the content creators... it was like the library of the universe... and now these retarded cunts have fucked with everyone and gutted the platform... Pfffffff AND so much really brilliant channels, content creators and all their subscribers have gone.... One old channel was called Equinox and they they were really clever people who made astoundingly good content... Gone - and all their work has disappeard off the internet as well..

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@KEEPER: This is really good... How It s Made Pipe Organs

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@KEEPER: I met a man from France who went around the world fixing and repairing and tuning and making new parts for old pipe organs... Got to see him doing things to the organs and their pipes.. and even got a small sample of the pipe material... Astounding cleverness and complexity....

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@KEEPER: Have you seen this yet? Auslander Raus (the song that was adpated and renamed as)

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