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The Free Speech Fandango -Cyberlink Mobile Guerrilla Video Editing

39 vistas
Publicado en 28 Jan 2021 / En Comedia

⁣This is the Box where I put in text so people who are on a computer can see it. And no one with a phone or tablet is ever going to look here.

I'm Crafty. Like a Box.

Entire Video was made on Mobile hardware. Old Hardware at that.
CyberLink's Power Director is really something on the Mobile platform.

I did almost this entire video on a Asus Chromebook CP101.
The Software was a BIT limiting, but not at all a problem.
Amazing what these Mobile CPU's can do.

There are still some small bugs. But nothing much to get in the way of making small 5 min videos like this.

Still think its best to use real hardware for the bigger things. But this proves what you can do on Mobile Platforms.

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