The Friendzone: How You Got In and How You Get Out | Popp Culture

Get ready for some of the best advice the Poppster could ever give you in regards to dealing with modern ladies.
#TerrencePopp #Dating #Friendzone
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glad i have never heard the "i wish i had a guy like you" bullshit from any whore (woman/female)...
Damn Popp, you should watch Superman from the 80s, Christopher Reeves wasn't it? Do recon on the bitch to see how bitchy she is. I grew up surrounded by pussy, most I couldn't fuck unless I wanted to go the West Virginian mountain route... ironically, I had relatives in West Virginia... So, Clark goes to the big city trying to get hired by was it Daily World or something. He is talking to the chief publisher or CEO (I forget the damn terms back then... before VP and CEO became so damn important.) He meets Lois Lane and another male reporter... Lane of course ignores him the whole time, but then he asked the publisher if he could split his check so he can send money to dear old mom... Lois' eyes light up and she "acknowledges him." The funny thing is, he is slouching and acting weakly at this point, but when he as Superman meets her.... oh damn do those panties get wet-- it's practically a rain cloud under her... Superman acts assertive but calm-- he is standing straight up and turns slowly... I am surprised as boys we didn't instinctively pick up on this. Superman, all the dating tips you need... now Wonder Woman... boy was there some scandalous shit behind that. There's a movie called something "and the Wonder Women" (maybe I'll do a search and add the title.) The guy who created Wonder Woman did it with submissive imagery which teenage boys were eating up-- it actually spawned the Comic Authority Code. The psychologist who created her was kicked out of university as a professor for fucking his student and another chick, his fiance, at the same time. The sad part I know about and of the feminists mentioned or met in the movie. He gets pulled into S&M along with one of his hoes, the student who got him fired. Just saying... You say recon the mother, but I say recon the hoe, carefully. Since we will be "invisible" to her as friendzone bait, you can learn a little about her. My grandfather used to say "Same Navy day, different name-- or shit in loco of Navy." I say "Same hoe, different name."
But, women fuck their brothers... according to our brotherfucker delegate ... and pornhub's replacements, brothers get a lot of ass... uhm, I don't mind a good sex story: I am a writer. Unlike you, I was born that way, but also I had not published yet. I kept trying to win contests.
What is the video that has the story of "more cock"