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The Future Is Not Female But FREE MALE! - MGTOW

Published on 12 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Luciano and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I saw some comments around that Meghan Markel aiming to run for president in some future.. What would be the implications for men in general if someone like her, ultra feminist would become president? I definitely imagine would be the end of red pill information and the beginning of an endless cycle of slavery for men. Once in power, they would not let go and, like in Sweden, any challenge to those ideas would be prosecuted as hate speech. What do you think?" Well Luciano thanks for the donation and topic. It's quite conceivable that something like that could easily happen. In the UK they are trying make misogyny illegal. If you hate a woman then they are thinking about making it a thought crime and throwing you into jail. As for Meghan becoming president I say the same thing when I hear that the Rock might run for president. Why not. It's certainly a possibility that makes my left eyebrow begin to raise. Meghan Urkul or Merkel or whatever her name will never be president so I'm not worried about that. Whenever I hear her last name I think of a black nerd with suspenders and a snort. But I have said before that under the current growth rate in twenty years women will make up the majority of politicians in the entire world. If that happens then women will print and borrow so much money that they will destroy most of the world's national currencies. Sure for a while they can impose their iron cooch on men but eventually the financial system would crumble. It's going to crumble anyway even without being controlled by crumpets. Technology can't be stopped at this point and it's going to keep making everything cheaper and cheaper. At some point we'll have simulations where you plug your brain into a machine and have sex with any woman you can imagine. Real, imaginary or even created through deep fakes. Women might take political power and try to control men but technology will eventually create a society full of free males and the future won't be female. But before I discuss this and more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring on 200k In Southeast Asia: Anyways, now back to clown world. With my ongoing obsession with the Canadian Entrepreneur Jeff Booth he said something that really got me thinking about how most people and especially women have a blind spot when it comes to technology. Jeff often asks the question why didn't Blockbuster Video buy Netflix for fifty million dollars when they originally began and when their video rentals were done through the mail? The executives at Blockbuster were probably laughing at the idea that people would wait a week or more to get their video rentals delivered in the mail when they could just go to the local blockbuster and have them right now. But Netflix got the last laugh because eventually people could just go on their TV and download videos without leaving the comfort of home and Blockbuster got cock blocked by technology they couldn't imagine. But at first people laughed at Netflix and it's video mailing. Now they aren't laughing anymore. I've finally decided that after finishing the editing on my last hundred or so travel videos I'm going to stop travelling and focus on my virtual loverbot sex system. The ultimate goal is augmented reality projected on a doll that covers the doll in a real human looking skin real or imaginary. This person could be simulated. Recently I showed a woman the website This person does not exist and I showed her a picture of a boy that does't exist. I said he isn't real. She said of course he exists he has a father. That's when I realized that simulated people using augmented reality will pass the uncanny valley test. Her mind couldn't comprehend that a computer could create an image of a child that
looked real. What happens when the same technology creates video on demand and can synthesize a voice?

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Sir_666 4 years ago

Automation / Technology will continue to Evolve and be Implemented in Businesses and in Society more and more in the Coming years.

This will, in turn, lead to more Technological Unemployment in many Professions throughout the World. This already started a few years ago and this Covid nonsense has just helped things speed up a little faster, is all. And the only Reasonable solution to the inevitable growing Technological Unemployment is the introduction of UBI ( Universal basic income ) until Automation reaches 100% Globally.

Afterward, the Money System and its associated Capitalism or similar will be Obsolete and Unnecessary. And at the rate advancement of Technology can move, ... it's fair to Estimate the near to complete End of Capitalism & Money System will happen somewhere within or by the end of this Century. However, all this is and was Inevitable, regardless of COVID or whatever else.

And as far as how evolving Technologies will affect Men and Women, it's all Subjective for Speculation. There a way too many variables. But YES, evolving Technologies will have the Potential for a plethora of possibilities. It definitely will mean more Unimaginable Freedom or even Restrictions. Depending on how it's utilized. Again, the Future is Unknown.

However, aspects of Feminism, Politics, or whatever else one wishes to Hpothesize will Not prevent Technology from Advancing and being Accessed or Implemented. The only way logically this could happen is perhaps in the Event of a Global EMP attack Instigated upon the Planet or perhaps a Scenario of close to all Human extinction. Both possible, but not likely. Evolution is part of nature and it all tends to always find a Way to prevail.

Incidentally, Men tend to be More flexible and Creative in regards, to Inventions, Everyday life, and Problem-solving compared to Women, more than generally. Heck, over 90% of ALL Inventions are Patented by Men, for that matter. Therefore I'd Confidently say that the Technological future is in Men's advantage in many areas and not Women.

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Sandman 4 years ago

Wrong about UBI. We need a deflationary currency to go along with deflationary technology. At least until we get abundance in every area of our lives.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

central banks WILL destroy private crypto .... no doubt about it.

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AntiCuck1982 4 years ago

Oh gawd, i tried this 'thispersonisnotreal " site , and now i'm in love with a girl that doesn't exist

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Alucard1776 4 years ago

Like Calypso

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MGTOWdotCASH 4 years ago

Wouldn't it be great if every miserable married guy in Brampton showed up at this place? (Peel region to open COVID-19 isolation centre )

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Sandman 4 years ago

Great just down the road from me.

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