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The Future Of The Manosphere. MGTOW, Incel, PUA and MRA

Published on 08 Dec 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Chris Whalen CPA

Stardusk & huMAN

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Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from juicivibes and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, What is the state of the manosphere in and out of the internet? I used to binge watch channels like bar bar, thinking ape, human, ext. I feel channels like these are few and far in between now. Channels are changing into tiktok compilations and YouTube shorts. I like longer form videos so that may be my only personal issue recently. Besides that A lot more young men have been entering and having conversations in real life. I feel like more women even though most are chameleons are also having these same talks. It’s great in my opinion. I like that the conversation has been moving forward but stagnates. How would you predict the growth of the Manosphere and men’s content? Will it ever get entirely ban? Do you think our speech will be so policed if enough men get on board? I haven’t seen much change in others relationships and even my own. I feel like our phones are just recording our interactions more and making the information more available. Back maybe 5 years ago I saw big change but it was just some red pill pipe dream. I’m trying to understand how it would work out realistically. People don’t change so fast but I can only think of small changes and not big ones. I hope this isn’t to much or just a ramble. Thank again Sandman" Well Juicivibes thanks for the donation and topic. I don't know why you're complaining about channels that you once used to binge watch. Stardusk the Thinking Ape is still producing content these days although it's aimed more at an incel black pilled audience and his channel is growing. He's averaging 20-30 thousand views per new video. huMAN is still producing content and making 3 videos a week. But his channel has been heavily throttled and isn't growing anymore. I put links to both in the description so that you and others can check them out. As for TikTok of course guys are using it to reach a younger audience. Hammerhand was a genius the way he was using it two or three months ago. Juicivibes you say that all you see are compilation videos. I don't know if that's what's being fed to you by the YouTube algorithm. If it is then it reminds me of the days of the channel MGTOW 101. Channels like that were quick cash grabs that disappeared and didn't have a passion for the content once they were demonitized. I'll discuss more about the state of the manosphere in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the censorship of MGTOW content while all other types are promoted and monetized on YouTube clown world show. The manosphere has devolved into more dating coach and pickup channels recently. Channels like Fresh and Fit and Kevin Samuels. They discuss female nature but always bring it back to catering to women and getting attention, validation and sex from them. The system wants that because that means more marriages and divorces and consumerism to attract the ladies. The pickup artists will always be with us because they offer up the false hope of a get bitch quick scheme. Guys will keep falling for the scams they petal like come to my seminar in Miami and I'll teach you how to play the numbers game to get women's numbers. But most of us veterans of the manosphere understand that if you want a woman then you need to make yourself a quality man and have women orbit around you waiting around to be plucked like plumbs from the trees. But remember that if you improve yourself the women who knew you before will still see you as a loser. So you'll have to move onto new stomping grounds with that strategy instead of a place where you've already poisoned the well. Then we have the incel black pill community which I would water makes up somewhere around thirty to forty percent of the manosphere. I see that growing to fifty to sixty percent in the next 10 years. The pickup culture and channels will continue to grow with increasingly desperate guys. The men's rights movement is done like dinner.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

MGTOW and Black Pill are also the ony outlet's for MEN (REAL) MEN to remain MEN. Real MEN today are not the CUCK's as women would have you believe that are supposed to br REAL MEN by cucking to women need's. surviving without the need or Validation not just of women , but anyone is what being a REAL MAN is today. not long after becoming MGTOW many years ago now, I realized I've always been MGTOW from Childhood? So I very quickly became MONK, I still am and I have all the things and even the options that tied MEN don't get in relationSHIT's and suck. REAL MEN only need themselves and confidence in themselves, it's that simple.

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Leader_Desslok 3 years ago

Keeper , Thank you for your quick answer to my question. In response to your question about Hammerhand channel on YouTube , here is the link . notice that at this time Hammerhands oldest video is only 10 hours old.

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Leader_Desslok 3 years ago

Speaking of the Manosphere and it's various famous creators , what happened to the Hammerhand channel on ? Hammerhand seems to still be creating content on YouTube . Did i miss something here ? I was subscribed and one day he just up and disappeared. Can someone please tell me what happened to one of my favorite mgtow content creators ?

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KEEPER 3 years ago

it more than likely has to do with hammerhand getting more views on youtube, but your right, he really should be doing his videos here as well, because when youtube takes his channel, all his content also goes. is his channel on youtube just named hammerhand or did he tweak it in some way? also does he use rumble or odysee or twitch or Dlive? i only tend to use this website for my mgtow content needs and don't really seek it out on other platforms for the most part anymore.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

i get annoyed by his short videos, i know that's the new trend doing short stupid videos that only engage in small stupid videos that create funny messages, sometimes they are little red pills but for the most part, to me at least, they are just annoying to see and i long for his longer content as sometimes he has some real good shit to share.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

holy shit, i can't actually find his channel, not even in a private tab just in case he blocked me, i can't find his channel, did he delete it or something? like i can't find it anywhere on this website.

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Billy Von Bomb
Billy Von Bomb 3 years ago

@KEEPER: I caught one of his vids where he said he killed his mgtow channel. Could be that he didn't want to reup the subscription.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

@Billy Von: yeah, but he could easily do that without deleting everything on his channel.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

so Kevin Samuels really just hurts men in the end, just like most PUA's do.
it's always short term solutions using red pill knowledge, then they go back to tradcucking when they suggest men get married, so sad.

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Bobby_Onii_Chan 3 years ago

MGTOW technology is definitely here to stay...whether it is in a form of a waifu, toys, websites, etc.

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