Another message for all,, WHITE PEOPLE ARE NOT NATIVE TO THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA ,, so white jews are not really jewish by blood.. They may be part but they are no different than anyone else..
It's men stealing our production and freedom.. making life as a couple dividing little between 2.. and so people would rather keep wqhat they have for themselves.. That one dude posted some metaphysic post about people adapting friends as spouse type relationship.. thats why they push the gay thing.. Slaves do not get famlilies.. You can have a same sex partner and live like rats..
I have a message for all of yall.,, when you look at a female love interest look for making a family not satisfying some egotistical bs. fantasy.. will she make for strong smart children who look like their parents.. like some people want to create new race of mixed race.. sometimes it works out.. but not so often and if its all about ego.. better.. thats not the right motive.. and America has a problem with that very thing.. what drives America to idiocracy is we let faggits in hirises call the shots of our lives andcountry.. big mistake.,
As America devolves into idiocracy there will be plenty of grist for the meat grinder.. although trump could have reversed it.. he did not.. he let freaktard mitch mcconnell take over..screwed himself.
hopefully china really is becoming independent and not just another pawn of the colonial merchants.. if so the only way london can maintain power is war..
iow i hope the scum who have assaulted america since the jfk assassination are disabled.. and you can forget about ukraine. being the big momma food teet for europe.
well, I for one do not like being surrounded by trash.. you can keep your drugs.. and foreigners.. and foreign made goods.. America needs to take back control of its money and ownership by the citizens.. a bridge is not an ideal place to raise your kids.
Femon's are bad mouthing MEN because they have FAILED! it's that simple. there is nothing they can do about any oof it so all they can do is behave like a spoiled Child of 5. I've noticed a lot of femon's calling for a BAN on MGTOW! lol! and how do they propose to do that anyway? MGTOW is NOT a movement like feminism is, it's more of a philosophy, it has NO hierarchy or pyramid of positions like a movement, so how can you ban something that is purely many thoughts to many MEN? lol! when the game is rigged it is also a sign that any logic cannot exist within it and so it again is due to FAILURE! lol! With regards to Responsibility? MEN are not reponsible for femons anymore, we kinda used to be when they were playing the game as femon wive's etc. But it's different know MEN do not have to hold any accountability FOR a femon, unless he is a cuck or simp or something. I don't get involved even as a witness for a femon in any way or form. If I did see a Guy smacking it one I would turn away and assume it deserved it? A femon would say that is cowardly, I say it's playing it safe! lol!
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Another message for all,, WHITE PEOPLE ARE NOT NATIVE TO THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA ,, so white jews are not really jewish by blood.. They may be part but they are no different than anyone else..
My dad used to tell me that femons are a product of their environment. .lol
The US Constitution and government has been usurped by banks and colonial merchants out of london..
As America devolves into idiocracy there will be plenty of grist for the meat grinder.. although trump could have reversed it.. he did not.. he let freaktard mitch mcconnell take over..screwed himself.
Femon's are bad mouthing MEN because they have FAILED! it's that simple. there is nothing they can do about any oof it so all they can do is behave like a spoiled Child of 5. I've noticed a lot of femon's calling for a BAN on MGTOW! lol! and how do they propose to do that anyway? MGTOW is NOT a movement like feminism is, it's more of a philosophy, it has NO hierarchy or pyramid of positions like a movement, so how can you ban something that is purely many thoughts to many MEN? lol! when the game is rigged it is also a sign that any logic cannot exist within it and so it again is due to FAILURE! lol! With regards to Responsibility? MEN are not reponsible for femons anymore, we kinda used to be when they were playing the game as femon wive's etc. But it's different know MEN do not have to hold any accountability FOR a femon, unless he is a cuck or simp or something. I don't get involved even as a witness for a femon in any way or form. If I did see a Guy smacking it one I would turn away and assume it deserved it? A femon would say that is cowardly, I say it's playing it safe! lol!