The Goyim Know - Banned by Jewtube
Published on 27 Aug 2022 / In
Film & Animation
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It dawned on me that Trump was a fake, in respect to the issue of him "rushing in" Th' Vaxx - and it turned into a fucking disaster from the get go from overwhelming levels of propaganda across the spectrum, to lots and lots of people dying and getting sick from it - and not once did this lying cunt, ever back pedal from the issue, even once.
He never came out and said, "Oh we really fucked this up, I am so sorry - I am putting a stop to this immediately - everyone - do not take these shots - they are BAD" - he hasn't retracted anything - even once from the outset of the problems, and he has not said or done anything about them since then.
This guy with all of his brains and experience, and being surrounded by a huge team of really switched on people - is playing dead about the Global Depopulation Blood Clot Death Shot?
Fuck Trump - the Lying Kike Bastard.
Hang Him.