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The Great Feminist Reset - MGTOW

Published on 20 Mar 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Thanks for waking up men all over the world regarding female nature. I do have a burning question regarding the feminist's role in the "great reset". With the shutdowns causing many business owners to lose their livelihoods and the elite's plan by 2030 where everyone will "own nothing and be happy for it," how would the feminists play an important role during that transition where they probably won't be able to extract as much money and resources from men if all the property and assets is going to be in the hands of the corrupt big government/corporations by then? Subsequently, is it possible that the "great reset" is also being used as a stealth population control as the elite's ultimate goal is to reduce global population growth and to have all the assets and wealth to themselves as it will be used to control the world populace that is still around despite growing opposition against what here in America is considered to be "corporate fascism". I can't help but be more convinced that the corrupt media is constantly fanning the narrative that the women is the "victim" while the men get laughed at and spit upon because of our "toxic masculinity", more so as a MAJOR distraction from the elite's ultimate plan is so that we going to be attacking each other based on gender and gender fluidity and less on whom is REALLY behind all of this. Anyhow, sorry for the somewhat long rant, but I figured that you would be the best guy to answer those type of questions. Thank you for keeping us men informed and continue "preaching to the choir" about us going our own way!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Passive Income With CJ: Anyways, now back to the video. So you want to know how women will get men's money and resources if we won't own anything and we will be happy in 2030. The great reset is actually the idea of stake holder versus share holder capitalism. Getting more women into positions in big corporations while shutting down small companies thanks to coof lock downs and any other means necessary. Stake holder capitalism means more loyalty for big companies from the people, mostly women in the future that they employ. The problem for companies when hiring men is that men tend to go where they are treated best. Women tend to stick around in abusive jobs and relationships. Don't believe me then look at many of the women that are part of MeToo and ask yourself why they stayed with many so called toxic and abusive men if they were so bad? As for the corporations they will give women money directly in the form of jobs and as stakeholders in companies. What amounts to crumbs to shut them up. The feminists and women in general are too stupid not to realize what's happening. They won't need men to extract the wealth from if the corporations hand over many if not most of men's jobs to women because of equality and hiring quotas. Of course it won't stop at equality and you could easily see most corporations eighty or ninety percent staffed by women and men being the poor ones in society. Look at what happened in Paris city hall with violating the hiring rules with regards to having too many women working there. If that happens everywhere it's not as though men wouldn't rise up at that point instead of smiling like that soy boy in the world economic forum's video about it being 2030 and you own nothing and you're happy. Everyone freaks out thinking that's going to happen.

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Alucard1776 4 years ago

If you think about it, they want a reset every time they get upset, so if they get upset five times in a day they want to reset it five times

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Crossthread 4 years ago

Awesome as always Sandman. It is turning out to be a world of control, communism is on the way at light speed.

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eldrazi317 4 years ago

But it shall not come to pass fully, there will be great swath. But at that time it will be brothers against brothers, entire nations shall implode into infighting, and others will surrender themselves fully. It will be a time of chaos...hopefully no nukes will be used but sadly I do not have much faith in the vermins in control.

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

your Trek analogy is flawed, remember the Maquis

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