The Great Male Comeback...If They Choose
Published on 11 Aug 2022 / In
Film & Animation
Bachelor Pad Economics:
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There is hope for Gen A; if we move out of the Millennial(GenY) and Gen Z mindset
is easy once you become a masculist and see that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, since many of women's gender crimes against men, LAST DECADES, making them a lot more serious than vice versa, (the "big 3" of women's gender crimes against men, being 1) women's man slavery, 2) women's divorce rape, 3) women's forced fathering, all of which last decades, and are horrific gender crimes against men. So when a biconscious masculist confronts a monoconscious feminazi, then he is intellectually armed with masculist ideas, which make him see the monoconscious ignorance of the feminazi as bigotry, and he bites her fucking head off. Over the next 5 years, as MGTOW and masculist ideas spread across the planet, there will be millions of verbally bitter confrontations between monoconscious feminists and biconscious masculists who will bite these women's fucking heads off, haranguing them out of the room, with extremely angry, hateful, masculist venom, given that women oppress men far worse (manslavery, divorce rape, forced fathering, etc.) Masculists beat the feminists at their own game. Masculists target the male feminist boyfriends of monoconscious feminists, teaching them masculist ideas, converting them to become biconscious. If their monoconscious feminist girlfriends, don't become biconscious faster than their boyfriends, then the boyfriends, with their new biconsciousness, will see the monoconsciousness of their feminist girlfriends as bigotry, become disgusted, and then dump them. Over the next decade, millions of monoconscious feminists will go through a lot of pain, by being dumped by their biconscious masculist boyfriends. This process, this dumping, will accelerate the biconsciousing of women, forcing them to realize that women oppress men worse, so that they lose their feminazi bitchiness towards men, and if they don't, some masculist will bite her fucking head off with a very verbally violent masculist harangue, blowing her out of the room, calling her a SHBer (sexist hypocritical bigot).