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The Great Reset of America's Story: How 1619 Project's Lies ERASE Our History | Glenn TV | Ep 94

Published on 12 Mar 2021 / In News & Politics

⁣The Great Reset of America's Story: How 1619 Project's Lies ERASE Our History | Glenn TV | Ep 94

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

Never forget though the Vatican allowed nazi generals to escape prosecution. I posted about the ottoman empire at that time the muslims went into northern india and burnt libraries over allah was not in any txt. China did the same thing in western china even today they go in and destroy history when they take over an area and re write. The biggest cover up in china was a man who flew over china in ww2 and seen white pyramids bigger than that of the one in Egypt. They buried them and let the vegetation grow over them. Look at the giant structure off the coast of japan 30 meters under the ocean. At one time it was all dry. IN hong kong economic college txt it is said. Do not trust western *americans*. They put this in place 3 yrs ago. This whole black history/slaves they forget about the Irish slave trade very barbaric and treated far worse. Black slave owners sold babies not even 5 min old you only find this info out in museums in the south. I remember when CNN was interviewing a black woman in Florida when bush jr was running. Why are you voting republican. Because Lincoln freed the black people. They cut her off so fast.

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