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Published on 05 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation

Its really 10 minutes long after that it plays back.

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Jaygo 1 year ago

The so called Titans and Demigods are in fact, without a doubt, 100% the biblical Nephilim

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

So, the Smithsonian had spent over a hundred years destroying evidence of Giants including their bones: I believe to destroy Biblical evidence: Though at first, I thought the "Giants" were dinsaurs or I believe "dragons," "giant lizards perhaps some flying like the pterodactyl, that a scientist made up "dinosaur" big lizard to hide that fact. We know ancient men in Babylon (Persia or Iraq) and in Greece saw fossils of giant "dinosaurs" and mammoths. In fact, the Mammoths' skeletons when arranged in human form (because we're both mammals-- same plan adapted for all environments) matches the size dimensions of Cyclops and the trunk orifice in the bones corresponds to their "wheel eye." They did not know they had small prey eyes on the sides. We know this. National Grographic has articles on this back on the day before they threw their credibility away to go woke. Therd are or were some giant bones left in America in Arizona or New Mexico where the Smithsonian "scientists" forgot to destroy in a small section of a huge cave where the Navajo I believe or perhaps the Apache had a legend of trapping the man eating giant tribes (Red headed Whites if I am not mistaken) and then torched them. The Native Americans as you can see in the Westerns raised their hands and said "How." This was so one can count their fingers to determine if human or giant...

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

This has some of the "scholars" from Jistory Channel's Banned Frm the Bible and Banned From the Bible 2. I do believe this is true... the one preacher definitively said the Sons of God were the Angels, ie Titans who fathered the Giants or Mighty Men, ie I think Demogods. The Concept of the Halo has evolved in Western Civilization, namely by artists. In Antiquity it was depicted as a Bright white or yellow circle: I believe it was what you as a person saw when you looked up to a significantly taller person, ie the SUN behind them. I know man-eating Giants are true, six finger edges and six toed because our American military forced killed at least one in some Afghani mountains after "he" or it at a while squadron that went silent and missed two check in calls via radio. We flew it's body back go CONUS. Personnel from my unit and other units on my base saw it when deployed.

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