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The Grim Articles Show (5/31/24) Boring AI Parties, Your Waifu Isn't Here Yet & Furiosa Review!

Published on 31 May 2024 / In News & Politics

The show went on a bit longer than usual because there was a lot of talk about robotics and I showed some videos. I also reviewed Furiosa briefly after watching it.

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Lorgar 9 months ago

Very good show! I loved every single part of it!

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

What? Wolverine snd Need for Speeds are off Steam?! WTF? Well, I still have some of my Need For Speed cds... just need a Linux tower with cd/DVD to play them... especially with Wine...

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Uhm... we will likely die within a thousand, I suspect a thousand and one hundred years, of the mid2040s... you know the Age of Revelations thing since one day for the Lord is a thousand years for man (2 Peter)... so since creation was six days plus a day off, seven in total... seven thousand years. There's an ancient tradition where the Creation story is also the End Times story of that culture sort of intertwined... so six thousand years ago was Mesoptamia and King Scorpion's Egypt uniting Upper and Lower Egypt as Dynasty Zero... to today, six thousands years... since an astrological age is about 2,200 years... so two days for the Lord... One day is one thousand years of the Age of Aquarius, ie Enlightenment or Biblical Revelations. Just saying... what exists after that if anything, will likely not be human... or divine. So, enjoy the games and the supposedly decentralized enormous productivity Age of "Enlightenment" will have... then caput. It's all over... only the Father knoweth the date and hour...but "signs of the times" and "signs and times" refers to "astrology," because that is how the ancient man understood the world... the astrology thing.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Uhm... robots start off as animatronics... So... but why humanoid?! Isn't Japan obsessed with tentacle hentai porn? Any tentacle sex bots on the horizon?! Or cat girls for matter?

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Why? We like our Hentai and Uncanny Valley games... I like your previews of them as you stream: I bought a couple... Being a DIK, Lust Theory, Treasures of Nadia, fuck that V one where you slay monsters and the Evil Within 1 and 2 wasn't it... the dimension bending one where you are trying to rescue your daughter... you played the shit out of that one... Vans... maybe....the monster slayer one... and Sakura Tori Morie Dreamers or something...and that cyber punk one... you, your AI, a sexy doc, a singer turned bounty hunter, a sexbot, an old lady owning sexbots, and that appearance shifting girl...fuck City of Dreams maybe... yeah. Thanks. I just need more time to play them...Treasures of Nadia works on my Steam Deck... and I wished Lust Academy and Fresh Women did... I asked Steam about it. And that one where the mafia forces you to work for a mafia princess and her two sisters you get to seduce... caught my eye as well as Genesis Order... I might have to get Lust Epidemic too...

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