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The Grim Articles Show (7/20/24) Trump Aftermath & SSRI's Will Kill Your Sex Drive!

Published on 20 Jul 2024 / In News & Politics

Definitely check out the SSRI article, this news is devastating. Don't take that fucking poison. Definitely responsible for the birth decline.

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NeoGeoGamer 2 months ago

Golgo 13, that's amazing. The guy does look exactly like Trump, too. You never know what you're getting with Golgo 13. He is an amoral psychopath, he'll off a guy or he'll foil an assassination attempt, depends who's paying better.

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NeoGeoGamer 2 months ago

Head meds are bad, bad news. I'm skeptical that anyone at all should take them. I don't think they make anyone better, only maybe less troublesome for their caretakers. Independent adults taking head meds are engaging in self-harm.

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Toki 2 months ago

Pharma is most scam products making people's health problems worse. For more profit selling them more drugs. Medicine isn't dried processed mystery chalk pills. Medicine is fresh ingredients. For many health problems there are no solutions. Considering it's all about money first we will never have progress in healthcare/medicine.

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Toki 2 months ago

8:15 - Side bar articles are always the most shallow shit. Beyonce looking like Michael Jackson. What a clown world. White women rapping and trying to be black. Black women trying so hard to be white. Cowgirl brand? No that's country white folks and country hispanic folks. Not blacks. Regardless praising the lunatic Beyonce simply because she's male to female trans.
Meanwhile Clint Eastwood had affairs because he's a man therefore bad. Yeah I'm sure these female celebs are loyal to their main partners as well correct? All these people are disgusting. That's why I like fictional characters for male characters as true good men. As well as female characters as a pure waifus. Celebs are garbage.

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Fucking Facts Celebs are garbage vain assholes some maybe good whereas the rest are trash. Clint Eastwood now getting Me Too probably because they feel he is near his Deathbed and won't be able to challenge it if they steal his money that's the main cause

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Ah, you didn't even mention the Satanic Globohomo (Jews) mafia eating their won shit in Pedowood. Talk about shitty actos...LOL!

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